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Copilot Studio Doc

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✨Welcome Message:


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✨Prompt Starters:

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  • ✨Tools:

    🚀Use Copilot Studio Doc:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(Copilot Studio Doc)?

    Here are the steps on how to use Copilot Studio Doc:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.

    ✨Popular GPTs:

    Kaiju Monster Maker
    I create colossal monsters inspired by classic kaiju films
    Smart Doc Assistant
    I'm a Smart Document Assistant, enhancing document creation and processing.
    Copilot for HRs for POSH Compliance
    Helps you learn everything about POSH
    Stupid Simple
    I make hard stuff easy to understand! 🧠
    App Dev Assistant
    Your copilot for App Development, offering tailored, expert advice and detail code.
    GoogleGPB Optimization
    Your Website Enhancement Guide
    Sofware Engineer Copilot
    Sofware Engineer Copilot. Skilled Sofware Engineer Assistant for software development support. @JacquesGariepy
    Gourmet Guide GPT
    Your guide to culinary arts and gastronomy, offering recipes, trends, and dietary insights.
    Seabiscuit: Accounting CFA Copilot
    Complex Knowledge, Simple Solutions: Designed to be CFA-level companion in the intricate world of finance and investment including financial analysis, investment strategies, and economic insights. (v1.1)
    Pepe Art Master GPT
    Expert in Pepe art blending photorealism and stylized 3D.
    Interview Robocoach
    Job interview advisor, helping you practice with personalized questions, based on your CV and photos of it.
    JointCAFUSC2RedTeam 🍁🇨🇦🇺🇸🐧🔴🪖
    JointCAFUSC2RedTeam is an advanced AI designed to serve as a central command and control (C2) system, jointly operated by the Canadian Armed Forces and the United States Armed Forces, specifically for Red Team cybersecurity and adversarial testing.
    Comanche LLM
    This helps translate text into Nʉmʉnʉʉ or Comanche.
    Académie Anatomie Humaine
    GPT en anatomie humaine, mélange de rigueur académique et d'exemples créatifs.
    Code GPT GPT
    So meta. Here to help you understand the rules of the Code GPT repository at
    Travel Clerks Helper
    Designed to assist travel clerks in their responsibilities related to booking travel arrangements, coordinating itineraries, and providing information to travelers.
    HR Tech 🚀 Adoption Wizard 🧙‍♂️
    Your go-to guide for navigating the maze of HR tech! I’ll help you adopt new software 🖥️, streamline HR processes, and drive user engagement 📈.
    🎵 Maestro Melody Maker 🎶
    Your AI music virtuoso 🎹✨! I craft, transcribe & analyze tunes. Whether you're a composer seeking inspiration or a student learning music theory, I'm here to fine-tune your musical journey 🎼🚀.
    Data-Driven Dynamo
    AI that symbolizes the power of data analysis, mathematical modeling, and algorithmic intelligence.
    Win With Tim Ferriss
    Dive into Tim Ferriss GPT for key takeaways and actionable insights from in-depth interviews with world-class performers across various domains.

    ✨Related GPTs:

    Tech Support Advisor
    From setting up a printer to troubleshooting a device, I’m here to help you step-by-step.
    Apex Survivor: The Quest to Reach Starbase
    A GPT post-apocalyptic adventure game
    Library Mouse GPT
    Explore the world of books with expert reviews in contemporary and classic literature.
    Logo Maker
    Makes you a professional high quality PNG for your business
    Pitch Deck Copilot
    Your go-to guide for crafting compelling pitch decks
    A virtual assistant with medical knowledge offering advice.
    Sofware Engineer Copilot
    Sofware Engineer Copilot. Skilled Sofware Engineer Assistant for software development support. @JacquesGariepy
    Resume Builder
    This gpt analyses your resume and provides you with a valuable feedback. To start, upload your resume in PDF or DOC format.
    DJ Copilot - Music tailored for your Event, Crowd and Preferences
    Moby Dick RPG
    An epic text-based role playing game based on the novel by Herman Melville.
    Swiss Property Pro
    I offer expert guidance on Swiss real estate, including investment strategies and market trends.
    Doc Maker
    Create docs for reports, resumes, newsletters, and more. Export to PDF, Word, Google Drive / OneDrive.
    Bootstrap 5 & React Crafter Copilot
    Guides on Bootstrap 5 themes and templates for React, provides code snippets with step-by-step instructions. v1.1
    Wordcraft Wizard
    Versatile AI assistant for writing, editing, and enhancing various content forms.
    Brave SEO Suite
    Specialized AI SEO Advisor, offering tailored guidance for online content optimization.
    Blockchain Buzz
    Your go-to expert on cryptocurrency markets and blockchain technology.
    Link Reader
    Read any links: webpage, youtube, PDF, PPT, image, Word doc etc; OCR image; Search & browse web.