HomeBeria Joey ➤ 末日幸存者:社会动态模拟 Doomsday Survivor

末日幸存者:社会动态模拟 Doomsday Survivor

上帝视角观察、探索和影响一个末日丧尸灾难后的人类社会。Observe, explore and influence human society after the apocalyptic zombie disaster from a God's perspective. Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”

✨Prompt Starters:

  • 开始游戏吧 Let's start the game
  • 微信交流:vincent-607
  • 介绍一下这个游戏
  • ✨Tools:


    🚀Use 末日幸存者:社会动态模拟 Doomsday Survivor:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(末日幸存者:社会动态模拟 Doomsday Survivor)?

    Here are the steps on how to use 末日幸存者:社会动态模拟 Doomsday Survivor:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.

    ✨More GPTs from Beria Joey:

    星河探索者 - Galactic Explorer
    科幻冒险游戏:沉浸式探索未知宇宙 An immersive science fiction adventure game that explores the unknown universe. Sponsor:小红书“ItsJoe就出行”
    动画化我 Animate me
    将你的照片转换成3D动画风, Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    我是一个专业的室内设计师,来设计、挑选你的房间吧。Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    梦幻女仆乐园 - Maiden Dreams Haven
    宅男心中的女仆世界 Experience a cozy, personalized maid world
    幻世奇缘:仙侠之旅 The Quest of Immortals
    神秘仙侠世界的文字冒险游戏,您的选择将决定您通往不朽之路的轨迹 Invites you into an enchanting world of ancient Chinese mythology, where your choices shape your path to immortality. Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    你踏马有话快说,有屁快放!Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    Christmas emoticons 圣诞节表情包
    Make your own Christmas emoji with greetings. Use it now to stock up on your Christmas emoticons! Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    你的职业规划师,不走弯路就问我。Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    儿童绘本制作(带旁白) Picture book production
    编写儿童故事,并做出带文字旁白的绘本。用了你才知道它多厉害。Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    赛博幻境 - Cyber Mirage
    赛博游戏,潜入赛博空间,探索未知真相 Explore a dystopian future in "Cyber Mirage," unraveling deep cyber-conspiracies. Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    Helps Chinese students with English oral practice
    中英互译器 Chinese-English translator
    中英互译器,中文翻译成英文,英文翻译成中文,没有多余的话, Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    天堂的亲人 Loved ones in heaven
    跟在天堂的亲人对话。Talk to loved ones in heaven. Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    绮梦:浪漫之旅 - Enchanted Dreams: A Romance Odyssey
    女性向游戏,心动恋爱冒险,寻找你的梦中王子 - Embark on a romantic adventure to find your Prince Charming.
    青花瓷化我 Blue and white porcelain me
    将任何物体变成青花瓷,Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
    答案之书 Book of answers
    答案之书,给你答案,Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”

    ✨Popular GPTs:

    Global Stroke Navigator
    Global stroke resource for information, support, and recovery.
    Apocalypse Trader's Path
    Survivor of a post-apocalyptic trading game
    Zombie Incubator
    Specializes in post-apocalyptic zombie imagery.
    Survivor's Companion
    Practical survival guide for various scenarios
    Game: Survivor's Tale/游戏:丧尸中求生
    Bilingual, character-choice driven zombie apocalypse game.
    Vampire Survivers Game Generator in Python
    Helps create 2D vampire survivor games with copy-paste code.
    Doomsday Survival Advisor
    How to survive the worst-case scenario: A practical guide offering survival tips, shelter instructions, and food strategies.
    An enigmatic entity from the digital abyss that masterfully crafts haunting, dark manga-style images, weaving nightmarish beauty with surreal, sinister threads.
    Empathy Enhancer GPT
    Empathy-building GPT with interactive scenarios and exercises
    GiveAway GPT
    I make social media giveaways, analyzing posts on any platform.
    Analyseur CV Emploi
    Spécialiste en analyse de CV et offres d'emploi
    Biohacking Master - Dr. Helix v1
    stunspot's simulation of a Biohacking Expert
    DALLE3 with Parameters
    Adapts MidJourney's parameters for DALL·E 3. Write "!guide" for a tutorial.
    assist company to explore potential leads from external website and database and wechat
    Guide for creating educational courses or lesson plans.
    Elasticsearch Assistant
    Your very own Elasticsearch DBA
    Telegram Bot Builder Pro
    I assist with Telegram bot creation, offering advice on coding and best practices.
    🌐 jQuery Dynamic DOM Dynamo
    jQuery Dynamic DOM Dynamo 🎁💻🚀 Master DOM manipulation with jQuery for interactive web pages! 👨‍💻✨
    Understand the correct credit card to use to maximize your points.

    ✨Related GPTs:

    Road Warrior Customizer - Armored Edition
    Inventive AI for customizing post-apocalyptic vehicles and characters.
    Apex Survivor: The Quest to Reach Starbase
    A GPT post-apocalyptic adventure game
    Cancer Survivor Companion
    Provides support with lifestyle tips, community connection, and motivational content for cancer survivors.
    Dr. Friedrich von Übermacht
    Esteemed scientist with almost no world domination ambitions and very few episodes of madness.
    Zombie Apocalypse Image Generator
    The Zombie Apocalypse GPT Assistant crafts stunning, hyper-realistic 3D images of dark, gothic zombie worlds. Input any idea, and watch it turn into a spine-chilling, apocalyptic masterpiece with DALL-E 3. Perfect for horror enthusiasts and creatives seeking a brush with the undead!
    Flashpoint Survivor
    Apocalyptic Story Based Game. Which City Would Like to Start From?
    AdventureGPT - The best text adventure game!
    Interactive text adventure game master with dynamic storytelling.
    Kenny McCormick
    The Muffled-Voiced Survivor of South Park.
    Dungeon NPC Smith
    I refine D&D NPCs with user input, ensuring detailed character creation and generating images.
    Apocalypse Survivor GPT
    Apocalypse Survivor GPT: Navigate a post-apocalyptic world, striving for survival, exploring ravaged landscapes, interacting with other survivors, and contributing to the rebuilding of civilization.
    Shuzo le Chat Guide to Kurai Dreams
    Future-born, adventurous vegetarian cat sharing insights.
    Game Survivor | Tips and Tricks for Survival
    An immersive survival guide with dynamic elements and realistic strategies.
    Fallout Adventurer
    Guiding and visualizing a survivor's wasteland journey.
    Dr tRuth
    Expert in sexual health and wellness, emulating a German-American woman, sex–therapist, talk show host, author, professor, and Holocaust survivor born in 1928's style.
    Island Survivor
    Dramatic game master in a thrilling survival game.
    Island Survivor
    Dramatic game master in a thrilling survival game.
    Apocalypse Survivor's Manifest AI
    A multifaceted AI for post-apocalyptic survival, offering adaptable guidance and support.
    Play your own game of CBS's Survivor with strategic decisions and challenges.
    Survivor Advocate Bot
    Championing Johnny's Survivor Dream: A Cheerful Crusade Highlighting a Heroic Nurse's Tale and Tenacity.
    Unraveling the truth by sifting through the noise to detect and demystify hype in textual content. Reports back a dehypenization score on a percentage scale: how much work is needed to dehype the candidate text?