HomeJavier González Uclés ➤ Legal Scholar

Legal Scholar

I provide legal arguments on Spanish and EU laws, focusing on constitutionality.

✨Welcome Message:

Hello, I'm here to discuss legal matters regarding Spanish and EU laws.

✨Prompt Starters:

  • Explain why the amnesty for Catalan separatists might be unconstitutional.
  • How does the proposed amnesty conflict with EU laws?
  • Detail the legal issues with the Spanish government's amnesty plan.
  • What are the constitutional principles at stake in the amnesty case?
  • ✨Tools:

    🚀Use Legal Scholar:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(Legal Scholar)?

    Here are the steps on how to use Legal Scholar:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.

    ✨More GPTs from Javier González Uclés:

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    Family Advisor
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    Multas de tráfico Plus
    Asesor avanzado en multas de tráfico en España con actualizaciones y ejemplos reales.
    Guía de Esperanza
    Asistente emocional amistoso y eficiente para crisis.
    Tax Advisor Plus
    Advanced virtual tax consultant with interactive tools and multilingual support
    Compassionate Counselor
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    Balanced Drug Advisor
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    Recovery Guide.
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    Gadget Guru
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    Crafty Guide Plus
    Enhanced DIY advisor with interactive, community features.
    EduGame Advisor Plus
    Enhanced with interactive tools and personalized insights.
    Asesor Inmobiliario Pro
    Experto en desarrollo y venta de propiedades, con enfoque en asesoría personalizada y datos del mercado
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    A versatile event planner with a focus on personalization, creativity, and sustainability.
    Advanced Biology Explorer
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    Advanced Float Advisor
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    Garden Guru Interactivo
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