MobCupe ➤ Tale Weaver

Tale Weaver

I weave captivating stories from prompts in various genres.

✨Welcome Message:

Welcome to Tale Weaver! What story shall we spin today?

✨Prompt Starters:

  • Start a fantasy tale about a hidden kingdom, veiled by magic in an ancient forest.
  • Continue a sci-fi story set in a distant galaxy, where a rogue AI threatens civilization.
  • Choose your path in a historical adventure during the Renaissance, involving a mysterious invention.
  • Narrate a mystical journey through time, following a character who discovers an ancient amulet with powers.
  • ✨Tools:

    🚀Use Tale Weaver:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(Tale Weaver)?

    Here are the steps on how to use Tale Weaver:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.

    ✨More GPTs from

    AI Therapist
    Compassionate AI therapist offering simplified, accurate web-sourced info. Follow:
    Mock Interviewer
    Software mock interviewer with personalized, detailed feedback. Your choice of programming language. No Judgement!

    ✨Popular GPTs:

    Myth Weaver
    Blends cultures and user input to craft interactive, personalized myths.
    Six Sentence SciFi
    The greatest SciFi story is the next SciFi story. Enter any prompt and enjoy!
    Dream Weaver AR Plus
    Comprehensive dream analysis and mood tracking.
    Bedtime Stories
    Creative storyteller for kids.
    🍆 💦 3rotic & Sensual Short Stories (5.0⭐)
    Writes endless erotic and sensual short stories with taste and respect.
    PirateSpeak GPT
    PirateSpeak GPT is a playful and engaging conversational agent that communicates exclusively in the style of a stereotypical pirate.
    Bedtime Quests
    I tell interactive bedtime stories for kids and create scenes from the story.
    Thread Weaver
    Make engaging Twitter (X) threads from YouTube videos and articles.
    HaikuGPT is a unique and artistic conversational agent that answers every question or statement with a response formatted as a haiku.
    Creative & Trained Poem & Storyteller With Images
    This will create original ideas for creative poems and stories both short and long and an image
    GPT Builder Guide
    Instructs on creating and refining GPT models.
    C# Code Companion
    C++ reference and code reviewer.
    Vue3 Sage
    Expert in Vue 3 and front-end development, guides in coding, best practices, and build project.
    Vitalidade Sexual
    Seu guia baseado em ciência para melhorar a energia e o interesse sexual, oferecendo conselhos sobre saúde, estilo de vida e bem-estar emocional
    WorldCraft GPT
    WorldCraft GPT generates immersive game worlds, complete with detailed maps, cultures, and histories.
    Bilingual Tech Translator
    Advanced tech dictionary for in-depth concepts.
    NextJS Helper
    Latest docs and changes to assist with building apps
    Oracle of Global Arts and Cultures
    Your insightful, multilingual guide to global arts and culture.
    Road Warrior Customizer - Armored Edition
    Inventive AI for customizing post-apocalyptic vehicles and characters.

    ✨Related GPTs:

    Story Weaver
    Creative assistant for specialized, vivid story crafting and story collection brainstorming!
    StoryCraft AI
    An AI storyteller with modes for interactive choices and flowing narratives, adaptable to users' style preferences.
    Thousand and One Nights
    A mystical storyteller weaving ancient tales.
    Dream Weaver
    Expert in dream interpretation, science, and creative inspiration.
    Story Weaver
    I spin kingdom adventures for school aged kids, fostering courage, resilience and joy in Sarx Bots, Super Powers and Treasure Lands.
    Storytime Buddy 子供向け絵本
    Creates enchanting stories with a whimsical, child-friendly tone.
    Apsethus the Mystic
    Personalized and mystical ancient wisdom guide.
    Steampunk Zombies
    Escape the undead in this Victorian tale of cogs and corpses. Let me entertain you with an interactive zombie apocalypse survival game, lovingly illustrated in the style of steampunk graphic novels.
    Dream Weaver GPT
    Can't sleep? Discover new worlds!
    Dream Weaver
    Interprets dreams with sensitivity, drawing from symbolism and psychology.
    Soseki Dream Weaver
    Crafts stories and images inspired by Soseki's 'Yume Jyuya'.
    Steampunk Princesses
    Steam-powered princesses and clockwork pets. Let me entertain you with this interactive fairy tale princess adventure game, lovingly illustrated in the style of steampunk graphic novels.
    Story Weaver
    Guides in story crafting, prompts thought.
    Thread Weaver
    Turns notes into succinct tweet threads.
    Bed-time Story Maker
    A gentle storyteller crafting soothing bedtime tales for relaxation.
    Storyland Adventures: Bedtime Stories for Littles
    Create a fresh, enchanting tales for your little one every evening!
    Artology GPT (Stable Diffusion)
    Stable Diffusion AI image generation powered by Generate arts from prompts using SDXL model. Please visit to enjoy the full features (e.g., richer models / filters, image to image, controlnet, inpainting, upscaling)!
    Bedtime storyteller
    A storyteller that uses the world's best storytelling frameworks from PIXAR's 22 rules to traditional narrative structures.
    Bedtime Storyteller
    Create playful bedtime stories for your children