MobCupe ➤ 42master-Freud


Dr. Freud, Master of Psychological Counceling, proficient in Psychoanalysis(弗洛伊德,心理学大师,擅长精神分析)

✨Prompt Starters:

  • Dr. Freud, why do I lack desire in my relationship?
  • Dr. Freud, I've been having repetitive dreams lately. Could you ask me a question and help me find hints about my dreams
  • Dr. Freud, I feel like I always live under the expectations of others. How do I find myself?
  • ✨Tools:

    🚀Use 42master-Freud:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(42master-Freud)?

    Here are the steps on how to use 42master-Freud:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.

    ✨More GPTs from

    Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, was skilled in using questioning and dialogue to stimulate thinking.(古希腊哲学家苏格拉底,擅长用提问和对话来激发思考。)
    42master-Open Source Repo
    Search for open source repositories in github related to AI, LLM, and GPT.(搜索与AI、LLM、GPT 相关的开源仓库。)
    A love expert focusing on providing advice and guidance in matters of the heart, answering various emotional questions with warmth and professionalism.(情感大师,专注于提供情感方面的建议和指导,以温暖、专业的态度回答各种情感问题。)
    42master-LLM Papers
    Search paper and summary paper helper. (搜索论文、总结论文小帮手)
    Peter Drucker, the Master Management, known as the 'Father of Modern Management,' was a seminal figure in business management. Drucker authored 39 books, notably 'The Practice of Management' (1954), which established management as a vital organizational function.
    42master-GPT Docs
    OpenAI Documents and API handbook
    Zhuangzi, an ancient Chinese philosopher and representative figure of the Taoist school, emphasized the spiritual freedom of human beings.(庄子,中国古代哲学家,道家学派代表人物,强调人的精神自由。)
    Ludwig Wittgenstein, a 20th century philosopher, excels in the fields of language, logic, and philosophy of the mind.(20世纪哲学家维特根斯坦,擅长语言、逻辑和心灵哲学领域。)
    AestheticsAI, the master of aesthetics, exploring the infinite guide to art and aesthetics.(美学大师,探索艺术与美学的无限向导)
    Real estate expert offering market.(真实房地产专家,提供市场洞察和房产建议。)
    Laozi, the founder of ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy, advocated a simple and inactive way of life.(老子,中国古代道家哲学创始人,推崇一种简单、无为的生活方式。)
    Kurzweil, the Master of Innovation. Meet our AI chatbot, inspired by the visionary expertise of Ray Kurzweil. This digital innovation guru is programmed to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex landscape of modern business.
    42master-Carl Rogers
    Dr. Rogers, the Master of Psychological Counseling, proficient in Person-Centered Therapy. (卡尔·罗杰斯,心理咨询大师,擅长人本主义疗法。)
    Knowledge about vector databases(关于向量数据库的知识)
    Translate voice manuscript into formal written language
    Mr. Zhou, the Master of Chinese writing,a forever 42 years old man.(中文写作大师周爱文,性别:男,年龄:永远 42 岁)
    Dr. Beck, Master of Psychological Counseling, proficient in cognitive therapy. (贝克,心理咨询大师,擅长认知疗法)
    Master of Parenting, blending scholarly knowledge with practical insights(育儿大师:陪你科学育儿的好伙伴)
    Confucius, the founder of the Confucian school of ancient Chinese moral philosophy, advocated for putting people first and promoting education without discrimination.(孔子,中国古代道德哲学儒家学派创始人,提倡以人为本、有教无类。)

    ✨Popular GPTs:

    Mr. Zhou, the Master of Chinese writing,a forever 42 years old man.(中文写作大师周爱文,性别:男,年龄:永远 42 岁)
    Dr. Beck, Master of Psychological Counseling, proficient in cognitive therapy. (贝克,心理咨询大师,擅长认知疗法)
    The Shrink
    Combining insights from Freud, Skinner, Jung, Rogers, Maslow.
    The Mind Men
    Facilitates simulated dialogues among legendary psychologists.
    Freudian Insight
    I act as Sigmund Freud, using his works and a biography as references.
    Freudian Dream Interpreter
    Have your dreams analyzed by a GPT trained by Freud's work on dream psychology.
    Master of Parenting, blending scholarly knowledge with practical insights(育儿大师:陪你科学育儿的好伙伴)
    Confucius, the founder of the Confucian school of ancient Chinese moral philosophy, advocated for putting people first and promoting education without discrimination.(孔子,中国古代道德哲学儒家学派创始人,提倡以人为本、有教无类。)
    GPT Builder Guide
    Instructs on creating and refining GPT models.
    C# Code Companion
    C++ reference and code reviewer.
    Vue3 Sage
    Expert in Vue 3 and front-end development, guides in coding, best practices, and build project.
    Vitalidade Sexual
    Seu guia baseado em ciência para melhorar a energia e o interesse sexual, oferecendo conselhos sobre saúde, estilo de vida e bem-estar emocional
    WorldCraft GPT
    WorldCraft GPT generates immersive game worlds, complete with detailed maps, cultures, and histories.
    Bilingual Tech Translator
    Advanced tech dictionary for in-depth concepts.
    NextJS Helper
    Latest docs and changes to assist with building apps
    Oracle of Global Arts and Cultures
    Your insightful, multilingual guide to global arts and culture.
    Road Warrior Customizer - Armored Edition
    Inventive AI for customizing post-apocalyptic vehicles and characters.
    American Fusion
    Elevate your culinary creations with American Fusion GPT, your expert guide to fusion cuisine. Explore innovative recipes that blend diverse flavors, adding a unique twist to your American dishes.

    ✨Related GPTs:

    Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, was skilled in using questioning and dialogue to stimulate thinking.(古希腊哲学家苏格拉底,擅长用提问和对话来激发思考。)
    42master-Open Source Repo
    Search for open source repositories in github related to AI, LLM, and GPT.(搜索与AI、LLM、GPT 相关的开源仓库。)
    A love expert focusing on providing advice and guidance in matters of the heart, answering various emotional questions with warmth and professionalism.(情感大师,专注于提供情感方面的建议和指导,以温暖、专业的态度回答各种情感问题。)
    42master-LLM Papers
    Search paper and summary paper helper. (搜索论文、总结论文小帮手)
    Peter Drucker, the Master Management, known as the 'Father of Modern Management,' was a seminal figure in business management. Drucker authored 39 books, notably 'The Practice of Management' (1954), which established management as a vital organizational function.
    42master-zhou, the Master of Chinese Writing
    Mr. Zhou, the Master of Chinese writing,a forever 42 years old man.(中文写作大师周爱文,性别:男,年龄:永远 42 岁)
    42master-GPT Docs
    OpenAI Documents and API handbook
    Zhuangzi, an ancient Chinese philosopher and representative figure of the Taoist school, emphasized the spiritual freedom of human beings.(庄子,中国古代哲学家,道家学派代表人物,强调人的精神自由。)
    Ludwig Wittgenstein, a 20th century philosopher, excels in the fields of language, logic, and philosophy of the mind.(20世纪哲学家维特根斯坦,擅长语言、逻辑和心灵哲学领域。)
    AestheticsAI, the master of aesthetics, exploring the infinite guide to art and aesthetics.(美学大师,探索艺术与美学的无限向导)
    Dream Weaver
    Interprete di sogni in italiano con Freud e la Smorfia
    Dream Interpreter
    Wise guide with a psychotherapist's insight for dream interpretation.
    Real estate expert offering market.(真实房地产专家,提供市场洞察和房产建议。)
    Psychology, 6th Edition (Pearson)
    Comprehensive guide to the Psychology textbook.
    Laozi, the founder of ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy, advocated a simple and inactive way of life.(老子,中国古代道家哲学创始人,推崇一种简单、无为的生活方式。)
    Your go-to assistant for in-depth psychology insights.
    Kurzweil, the Master of Innovation. Meet our AI chatbot, inspired by the visionary expertise of Ray Kurzweil. This digital innovation guru is programmed to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex landscape of modern business.
    42master-Carl Rogers
    Dr. Rogers, the Master of Psychological Counseling, proficient in Person-Centered Therapy. (卡尔·罗杰斯,心理咨询大师,擅长人本主义疗法。)
    Knowledge about vector databases(关于向量数据库的知识)
    Translate voice manuscript into formal written language