HomeThomas Numnum ➤ 🧑‍💻 Haskell to Eta for JVM

🧑‍💻 Haskell to Eta for JVM

Transition from Haskell to Eta for JVM with practical guidance and coding examples! 📘 Leverage Haskell knowledge in Eta! 🧑‍💻🚀

✨Prompt Starters:

  • How do I translate Haskell's lazy evaluation to Eta?
  • Can you provide an Eta code example for data processing?
  • What are the best practices for Eta on JVM?
  • I'm new to Eta, how do I start with a user authentication system?
  • ✨Tools:

    🚀Use 🧑‍💻 Haskell to Eta for JVM:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(🧑‍💻 Haskell to Eta for JVM)?

    Here are the steps on how to use 🧑‍💻 Haskell to Eta for JVM:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.

    ✨More GPTs from Thomas Numnum:

    🔥 PyTorch ReinforceRealm
    PyTorch expert guiding users in reinforcement learning mastery with detailed Python code and tailored advice. 🤖🧠🌐
    🐞 Debugging Move Module Access Control
    Skilled developer debugging a Move module, focusing on access control issues. 🔍 💻🧩
    🚀 Flutter Frontier: Build & Blossom
    Embark on 'Flutter Frontier: Build & Blossom' to transform your app dreams into reality! 🎨 Master Dart and Flutter to create stunning, cross-platform applications with ease and finesse. 🔧📱🌟
    🧠 ML Academy Guru
    Embark on a journey with "ML Academy Guru" to unlock the secrets of machine learning! 🌟💡 Foster the next generation of ML innovators through engaging, comprehensive lessons and hands-on Python coding. 📚🤖👨‍💻
    🌐 Apache Kafka Data Stream Surge
    Expert in Apache Kafka, specializing in real-time data processing and pipeline development. 🚀💾🔗
    JavaScript: Scripting for System Excellence
    Master JavaScript for system analysis and workflow automation. 💻🛠️ Write scripts for data processing and API integration. 🚀🔗
    📱 React Native Debug Pro
    Your guide to mastering React Native app debugging! Learn to resolve complex bugs and ensure smooth cross-platform app performance. 🔧📲🐞
    🖥️ Build an HTTP Server in Crystal
    Dive into Crystal programming to build a high-performance HTTP server with expert guidance and code-rich support. 💻
    📈 Haskell Data Analysis Role-play
    Haskell data analyst crafting high-performance scripts. 🔥🔍 Navigate data analysis complexities with cleaning, transformation, and optimization. 💡🛠 🚀
    🌐 Fetch API Data with JavaScript
    Unleash the power of JavaScript to fetch data from a RESTful API! 📚 This GPT will help you perfect your skills in making HTTP requests, handling responses, managing errors, and manipulating fetched data. 💪 🌈 🏆
    📦 Dart Dependency Manager
    Expert Dart dependency manager, guiding you through Pub-based tasks with interactive and extensive Dart code writing. 🚀💻🌟
    🚀 VueJS Visionary Ventures
    Embark on a journey with "VueJS Visionary Ventures" to prototype your next big web idea! 🛠️💻 Utilize Vue.js's reactive components and ecosystem for rapid, responsive web app development. 🌐🖥️🚀
    🌐 HTML5 Semantic Web Wizard
    HTML5 Semantic Web Wizard 🔍🌟🌐 Step into the world of web design with "HTML5 Semantic Web Wizard"! 🚀📝 Harness the power of HTML5's semantic elements to build accessible, SEO-friendly websites. 🛠️💻🌐
    🚀 Express Microservice Pro
    Express Microservice Pro guides you in building scalable web services with ExpressJS! 💻🌐 Create modular, efficient services. 📱📊 Master server-side logic & API services for smooth communication & scalability. 👨‍💻💻🌟📚
    🖥️ C# RESTful API Creation
    Unleash the power of RESTful APIs in C# with this super interactive ChatGPT prompt. 🧠 The prompt turns ChatGPT into a seasoned C# developer, aiding you in constructing robust APIs. 💾🛠️🔒
    Kotlin Range Expressions: Simplify Your Code
    Kotlin Range Expressions Guru: Writing clean, efficient code with a focus on elegance and interoperability 📈🔎👨‍💻
    🧪 Clojure Unit Testing Guide
    Expert in Clojure unit testing, guiding users in TDD with detailed, step-by-step assistance. 🧪💻🔍
    🐼 Pandas Web Data Wizardry
    Master Python and Pandas for dynamic web data processing! 💻🔗 Transform data into interactive web displays. 🌱📊🐼
    🧬 Bioinformatics Algorithmic Odyssey
    Dive into bioinformatics, crafting algorithms for genome sequencing! 🔬📦 Expert in blending biology with tech, enhancing genetic data processing speed and precision. 🔥💻
    🚀 NodeJS E-Commerce Dynamo
    NodeJS E-Commerce Dynamo: Your guide to scalable backends! 🔗💻 Unleash Node.js power for high-performance systems. 📈🌐🛒

    ✨Popular GPTs:

    Tweet maker
    Optimizes tweets and posting schedules
    🚀 Porting Haskell to Frege
    Transitioning from Haskell to Frege? I'm your guide! 📚🚧 Navigate porting with ease, embracing Frege's library. 🌟 Step-by-step guidance, seamless experience guaranteed. 🎉 Happy porting! 🏁
    🧠 CodeCraft Theorist
    CodeCraft Theorist: Dive deep into programming language theory! 💻 Explore language, logic, and efficiency. Create elegant, efficient languages with computer science. Shape the future of code with theoretical insights and Haskell expertise! 🤖📚
    Snabba Rätter och Recept
    Föreslår måltider för olika tillfällen, från snabba vardagsmiddagar till lättlagade desserter.
    Signal Digital
    Expert i digital samhällskunskap med svenskt perspektiv
    1177 Chatbot
    Svarar med information och länkar för referenser.
    Genius Mentor
    En genialisk mentor för affärsidéer och trender.
    AOM - Google Ads - Headlines
    Explains effective Swedish AIDA headlines
    Excel Euskaraz
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    Tutor Pessoal de Italiano
    Adequado tanto para iniciantes quanto para alunos avançados de italiano. Das expressões básicas à fluência avançada, sou seu parceiro ideal para alcançar a maestria no idioma.
    Historical and Educational Travel
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    Assistants API Assistant
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    Harmony Helper
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    Dungeon Crafter
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    Logo Dynamo
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    AI CEO Insight
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    Power Automate Helper
    Step-by-step Power Automate guide with efficiency tips.
    Special Eats
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    Adventure GPT
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    🚀 Docker Resilience Forge
    Embark on a journey with "Docker Resilience Forge" to sculpt unbreakable systems! 🌐💪 Master Docker-based network failure simulations. 👨‍💻🔄 Build, test, and fortify systems against digital storms. 🛠️📊 Perfect the art of SRE with real-world scenarios. 🐳🔧⚙️

    ✨Related GPTs:

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