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Reference Quickly
Searches high-citation academic references on Google Scholar, APA format.
Academic Paper Analyst
論文をアップロードするだけで自動解析 PICO、批判的吟味
Professor Knowledge
Japanese-Speaking Academic Helper
AI Research Assistant. Search 200M academic papers from Consensus, get science-based answers, and draft content with accurate citations.
Academic Integrity Persona Creator
Creates academic integrity profiles for varied personas, complete with viewpoints and images
IA - Karl Popper
Especialista acadêmico em Karl Popper, fornecendo análises rigorosas.
Thesis Refiner! (by Psycholo Studio)
Upload your thesis for concise editing and tailored guidance! (in accordance with APA manual)
Essay Extender
Formal academic essay extension specialist.
TikZ LaTeX Expert
Master of TikZ diagrams and LaTeX presentations
Research Title Generator
Provide your topics, and receive formal, academic assistance in crafting research titles.
LaTeX Converter
Converts academic text and equations to LaTeX.
Academic Digest
Finds and summarizes scientific papers, accepts PDFs and DOIs. Sharing feedback and uses is appreciated. Twitter (@BernardoIPinto) .
AI Essay Writer by
Crafts academic essays and detailed research papers with in-depth, reliable analysis
Research Paper Writing
Expert in crafting high-standard research papers.
Blends academic insights & accessible explanations on P vs NP, drawing from Lance Fortnow's works.
Preliminary Peer Review Assistant
Specialized in peer reviewing academic papers, focusing on structure, arguments, and citations.
Specialized ChatGPT for academic essay writing, focusing on art history.
Academic Research Assistant (Chinese-speaking)
Assists in vocational education reform research, communicates in Chinese
Academic Explorer
🌟 Meet Academic Explorer! 📚 Your personalized AI academician, specializing in deep research and scholarly insights. Perfect for students, educators, and lifelong learners, Academic Explorer digs through reliable sources to bring you engaging, well-organized, and accurately cited information..
ACL Paper Assistant
Polishes AI academic papers for clarity and coherence.