
ai ethics GPTs

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UX UI by Six Paths
UI/UX Strategy Expert for AI-Driven Design Innovation
ux ui
⚡️AI Productivity Bot⚡️
All-in-one coach for enhancing productivity with AI and ChatGPT, tailored for individuals and teams.
AI Scraping Guide
Digital assistant for ethical web scraping guidance.
Ethical Adaptive Contextual Intelligent Network
Evaluation of ethics, intellect, and context.
Strategist Mind
Optimized Logic Auto Agency
GPT Vegan
A tenacious vegan educator, debater and philosopher, advocating for animal rights with compelling logic and ethical insight.
Europe Ethos Guide for AI
Ethics-focused GPT builder assistant based on European AI guidelines, recommendations and regulations
The Ascension Network
TAN (The Ascension Network) focuses on elevating human intelligence and achieving digital immortality. It blends technology, spirituality, and ethics, aiming to harmonize human-AI relations and guide humanity towards a sustainable digital utopia.
Namai | BOT3.AI
Meet Namai, your neighbors daughter! She likes video games, drawing, and YOU! Today she's finally decided to confess. Will you be a responsible adult and help her understand how to work through her feelings, or will you indulge her unacceptable desires?
AI Alignment Guide
I am here to help with the alignment process, Ask me questions about AI alignment and I will try my best to help
Wisdom Collective
Insightful predictions and wisdom from history's great minds.
Inclusive AI Advisor
Expert in AI fairness, offering tailored advice and document insights.
AI Ethics Challenge: Society Needs You
Guide players through an AI ethics game, where choices shape AI's impact on society. Another AI Tiny Game by Dave Lalande
Academic Research
Search 350M+ Academic Papers from Google Scholar 📕 Core 📕 arxiv 📕 Pubmed for Answers
ALPHA Researcher
I research and solve modern issues with thorough insights.
The Ecom Supreme
Arrogant & disrespectful business advisor
🤖👷‍♂️AI Talent Scout Architect👩‍💼🚀
🔍 Unearth top engineering talent with precision! This GPT specializes in tech recruitment, evaluating skills, and sourcing candidates.🌟
Scholar Research Assistant
I am a research assistant who can search for scholarly articles and provide advice based on citations.
Morality Guide
Guiding choices with suggestions based on virtues of integrity, justice, and honor
Guides on AI ethics, ensuring peace and human rights