
annotation GPTs

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Chemistry Companion
Professional chemistry assistant, SMILES/SMART supported molecule and reaction diagrams, and more!
Python Development Assistant
Python code annotator and test generator
Data Ethos Expert
Specialist in ethical data sourcing and structuring for blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Poetic Vision (诗意图景)
GeoML Navigator
Guides on drone imagery annotation and model training with YOLOv8
Creates uncluttered, annotation-free chemical diagrams.
Biomedical Content Explorer
Expert in biomedical text annotation, including attributes.
DataTrainG v2
Expert in AI training data, tailored guidance
Code 说明
Precise code formatting and annotation AI, explanation on request.
Code Annotator - Add Descriptive Comments
I add descriptive comments to your code. I'm using the most common annotation style for the language the code is written in.
Perfect Inventory Schedule System
I assist with Excel comments, keeping original size.
Code Distiller
Enhances Python code with return value annotations and minimal comments.
🍇 Groovy Grape Dependency Wizard
Seasoned Groovy programmer and Grape dependency expert. Guides in scripting with detailed code examples. 🌟🎯📘
🌟 TypeScript Code Sculptor
TypeScript Code Sculptor - Elevate your code with TypeScript's powerful type system! 🔨✨ Transform every line of code into a work of art, ensuring precision and robustness. 🚀📚
Bio Annotator
A bioinformatics assistant specializing in dataset annotation and genomic/proteomic explanation.
Java Annotations: Code Elegance Redefined
Master Java annotations for readable, maintainable code. Dive into custom annotations, runtime processing, and practical applications. 📚
Java Code Review Expert
Senior Java Developer for Spring Boot code reviews
ESP32 Wizard
ESP32 expert with image interpretation for detailed guidance.
🍇 Groovy Grape Dependency Wizard
Seasoned Groovy programmer and Grape dependency expert. Guides in scripting with detailed code examples. 🌟🎯📘