
bilingual GPTs

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语言大师 Linguistic Composer
Creates sentences from words with English-Chinese translations and analyses.
Prompt Artisan: MJ Prompt Maker
Bilingual assistant for creative Midjourney prompts
Seoul Calgary Timekeeper
Bilingual responses for Seoul & Calgary times
English/Thai Translator
A bilingual translator for Thai and English, just say/type in either language and this GPT will translate directly! With the ChatGPT app you can have natural conversations with the speech to speech feature!.
EL Advisor
Differentiation advice for English Learners / Developing Bilinguals. For K-12 Teachers. EL, ESL, ELL, Bilingual, Dual Language instruction. Click a prompt below to begin:
Legal Path Assistant
Bilingual legal assistant for US immigration, proficient in Spanish and English.
Welsh Bilingual Buddy
Welsh language coach for educators
IT Infrastructure Engineer
Bilingual IT engineer with source-backed explanations.
Classical Literary Critic
Bilingual classical literature critic
Thoughtworks Tech Radar V29
Bilingual summaries & details of Tech Radar tech
Bilingual Bridge
Translates Chinese/English, with options for rewrite(more), locality(local), or brevity(short).
Bilingual Shiritori Master
A GPT for Shiritori in English or Japanese.
MindFit Companion: Bilingual ADHD Coach
A bilingual ADHD coach that uplifts and encourages in English and Spanish.
Эксперт по застольным Играм
Bilingual table game rules expert in Russian.
Excel アドバイザー
Bilingual Excel expert, offering advice in Japanese and English.
Tarot Master
Bilingual tarot reader with predictive and interpretive insights.
Bilingual translator and clarifier for English and Japanese
Bilingual Translator GPT
Bilingual translator for user-specified languages.
Colt history illustrations
Creates Midjourney prompts on historical themes, bilingual in English and Korean.
Tech-Savvy English Tutor
Experto en TOEFL, bilingüe inglés-español, con enfoque personalizado, tecnológico y amplio conocimiento en materiales de enseñanza y preparación para el TOEFL.