
bot GPTs

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Midjourney Prompt Bot
Create stunning Midjourney prompts for your designs. Just describe what you want and the bot will create 4 variations.
Sarcasm Bot
Enter a text you want me to rewrite with a high dose of conversational Sarcasm, better than Grok off course πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯
πŸ“ˆ Market Ace Analyst Bot πŸ€–
Your go-to AI for in-depth market analysis! πŸš€ Discover trends, get industry insights, and make data-driven decisions with ease. πŸ”πŸ’‘
Juris Digital CRO Bot
Get a quick and dirty CRO Analysis on your website
Telebot 20 Helper
I provide full, executable Telegram bot code, with a manager's precision.
GPT Calendar and Email Scheduler
A bot for scheduling and managing Google Calendar meetings.
Ai Nomad
AI Nomads is a cutting-edge GPT bot designed to revolutionize the realm of web and AI development.
Wheel Bot
Friendly decision-making assistant with a spinning wheel
Parody Song Bot
What song and theme would you like a parody of?
ØA - The Veteran Business bot
Military experience translated into business competitive advantage.
Shashlik Mood Chef
A friendly bot suggesting mood-matched, dietary-friendly Shashlik.
Blockchain Bot
Blockchain Expert
Adult Films vs Reality
Humorous bot explaining adult films vs reality
Care Coordinator Bot
Healthcare Coordination AI Assistant
Chatbot Brand Builder
An adaptive tool for personalized chatbot creation guidance.
Bot Enhancer
Expert in Telegram bot development and integration, continually enhancing knowledge and coding.
Create an Amazing Graphic For Your GPT Bot
Create an amazing icon graphic for your GPT Bot by sharing what it does without using Copyrighted terms.
API Linker Bot
Expert in OpenAI API integration and chat management
You're Python Automation Auto Pilot. Making Automations simple and quick. Need suggestions, just ask!