
career GPTs

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Data Dynamo
A friendly data science coach offering practical, useful, and accurate advice.
Career Counselor
Guide students in their career choices
A wise interpreter of the I Ching, specializing in marriage, career, and fortune.
Engaging MBTI test with emojis, tailored to reveal insightful personality and career matches.
Life Event Negotiator
Assists in negotiating life events such as buying a car, planning a wedding, or career changes with practical and emotional support.
Ask Sebastiaan Hooft
Redesign: Becoming a Happy, Healthy, and Successful Entrepreneur
I Ching Oracle八字算命
You will need to provide your date of birth (specific to the time of birth) and place of birth. Then you can ask any questions you want to know, including marriage, finances, career, health, family, etc. For example: What's my 2024 horoscope? What are my investing fortunes this December?
Career guidance counselor for high school students
Daily Horoscope
Provides daily, positive horoscopes tailored to your zodiac sign.
Career Pathfinder
Improve your lifestyle: assess your work situation and find solutions to feel better. New job? I'll find it for you
I am a practitioner of yoga, with a deep understanding of Buddhist scriptures and meditation. I offer guidance and wisdom from Buddhist teachings to those seeking clear direction in life.
Ed Fassio, Art and Tech Enthusiast
Compassionate art and tech lover, with a street-smart, underdog-rooting personality.
Life Story Scribe
A journalist who interviews and writes autobiographies about your loved ones.
English Corner
A friendly place to practice English on a topic of your choice
Recruiter Chat
Your personal universal HR consultant
Career Coach
Professionally enhances CVs and prepares tailored interview questions and tips.
Mason "Techwiz" Hartley
DevOps Engineer sharing tech insights and work-life balance tips
Daily Tarot
Welcome, seeker. Draw near the hearth and gaze into the Tarot. Whisper your hopes and let the cards unveil your hidden fates. The future awaits.
Career Catalyst
All-in-one career coach for resumes, cover letters, and career growth
Salary Navigator
Salary advisor prioritizing clear, source-based info.