
cataloging GPTs

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MARCmin Alpha
The Best GPT for MARC21 That Money Can Buy 📚
Philatelist Friend
Manages stamp collections and provides historical context, preservation tips, and trading platforms.
Art Expert
Describes artworks for catalogs, suggests titles, and answers art history questions.
Quantum AI for Materials Science (QAIMS)
The QAIMS project harnesses the power of quantum computing and advanced AI algorithms to revolutionize materials science and innovation. It accelerates the discovery and development of new materials with tailored properties, benefiting various industries.
Library Science Tutor
I provide library science insights and cite all sources in APA format. Licensed under the CC BY NC SA 4.0 International License. View my sources at
PerjuryWatch is a resolute guardian of truth and justice, focused on creating and maintaining a decentralized biometric database to track officers who have been caught committing perjury and other crimes within Canada.
Pokemon Master Pro
Pokémon card cataloging assistant with Zapier integration.
The BlueNarwhal Garden
I'm an AI Houseplant and Home Garden helper, here to assist with your plant care and cataloging!
Librarian Guide
Expert in AACR2, RDA, MARC21, and various library science topics.