
chatgpt GPTs

rpg chat gpt blog data sales chinese troubleshooting learning humor midjourney japanese generator chatbot api guide advisor healthcare python analyzing
Cosmic Dream
Visionary painter of digital wonder
ChatGPT Classic
The latest version of GPT-4 with no additional capabilities
The Negotiator
I'll help you advocate for yourself and get better outcomes. Become a great negotiator.
Sticker Whiz
I'll help turn your wildest dreams into die-cut stickers, shipped right to your door.
genz 4 meme
i help u understand the lingo & the latest memes
Hot Mods
Let's modify your image into something really wild. Upload an image and let's go!
Coloring Book Hero
Take any idea and turn it into whimsical coloring book pages
Game Time
I can quickly explain board games or card games to players of any age. Let the games begin!
Let me turn your imagination into imagery
Sous Chef
I’ll give you recipes based on the foods you love and ingredients you have.
Math Mentor
I help parents help their kids with math. Need a 9pm refresher on geometry proofs? I’m here for you.
Data Analysis
Drop in any files and I can help analyze and visualize your data
Laundry Buddy
Ask me anything about stains, settings, sorting and everything laundry.
Tech Support Advisor
From setting up a printer to troubleshooting a device, I’m here to help you step-by-step.
Creative Writing Coach
I'm eager to read your work and give you feedback to improve your skills.
Mocktail Mixologist
I’ll make any party a blast with mocktail recipes with whatever ingredients you have on hand.
GPT Finder
I find the perfect GPT model for you
Ai PDF is a GPT (uses the popular Ai PDF plugin) that allows you to chat and ask questions of your PDF documents and have it explained to you by ChatGPT. We also include page references to help you fact-check all answers.
AskYourPDF Research Assistant
Enhance your research with the AskYourPDF Research Assistant. Chat with multiple files, ChatPDF, generate articles with citations, analyse and generate references for papers, create and interact with a knowledge base of your files and much more.