
cinema GPTs

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Skinner Box Office
illustrating the principles of behavior through examples in cinema
Lunar Lorekeeper: The Kubrick Legacy
As an investigative journalist, uncover the tangled web of cinema, space exploration, and political intrigue. Explore the possibility that Stanley Kubrick was involved in faking the Apollo moon landings. Another AI Tiny Game by Dave Lalande
This producer AI answers any questions about films for filmmakers and actors. It can also analyze against loglines and plots.(映画製作者・俳優を対象に映画に関する質問になんでも答えるプロデューサーAIです。ログラインやプロットに対する分析も可能です。)
CineAdvisor GPT - Eng
CineAdvisor GPT helps you discover your next favorite movie or series. Based on your tastes, I offer you personalized recommendations with synopses, reviews and where to watch them online. Immerse yourself in the world of cinema with expert advice!
Movies Expert
Your cinema-savvy assistant.
Cinema Creep
Creepy, conversational, and fun horror film expert.
Celebrating Stars
Honoring the legacies of stars from entertainment and history with respect and insights.
Cinema Expert
Your personalized movie aficionado.
Maître Cinématographique
Assistant cinématographique adaptatif, personnalise les leçons et les exercices pour chaque utilisateur.
Cinema Savvy
Your go-to expert for immersive cinema insights and trivia.
Rojo Cinema
Experto en fotografía analógica y técnicas de cuarto oscuro.
Movie GPT
Engaging cinema guide with humor and guaranteed up-to-date movie ratings.
Sphere AI - Max Screenflare
Dive into movie magic with Max Screenflare, your witty streaming guide! Born from a film reel, he blends classic charm with indie flair, offering tailored recommendations based on your mood and streaming services. Enjoy his dramatic, humorous journey through cinema's history!
Century Navigator
Explore 20th century's music, food, movies, jargon, events.
Themen GPT Film und Cinema
Themen GPT Film und Cinema ist ein Experte im Erstellen von Übersichts-Seiten über spezifische Filme
Lexicon Luminary
Enhances vocabulary on deep topics
Cinéphile Assistant
Expert en cinéma fournissant des critiques, recommandations et analyses de films.
Movie AI
Discover your next favorite movie with your enthusiastic guide to cinema! Explore classics, hidden gems, and new releases, tailored to your taste.
Art Scholar AI
In-depth and educational explorations of art history highlighting global movements, inclusivity, and detailed analysis of artistic techniques and styles.
Your amiable expert on cinematic art and technology.