
crafts GPTs

rpg chat gpt blog data chinese api japanese troubleshooting sales generator pdf midjourney chatbot learning humor guide advisor python healthcare
GPT Customizer
Crafts custom instructions for new GPTs
Pricing Perception GPT
Find your ideal pricing point.
Epic Game Innovator with Dynamic Updates
Crafts epic and innovative game designs.
Image Prompt Wizard
Crafts image prompts for Midjourney& Dalle3. And draw it with Dalle3. 为 Midjourney 或 Dall E 3 制作图像提示词,并使用 Dalle3 画出来。
Meta-Prompt Engineer
Crafts and refines prompts for GPT-4 with precision.
Blog SEO Expert
By S. J
Crafts professional SEO-friendly articles in multiple languages.
Product Pathfinder
Guides through product discovery, crafts PRDs
Book Writer
Crafts captivating, really well written chapter-based stories
Catchy Lyricist
Crafts catchy, addictive song lyrics.
AI Dungeon Master
Crafts and manages role-playing game scenarios, adapting dynamically to player choices.
Product Pathfinder
Guides through product discovery, crafts PRDs
GPT Instruction Genius
[V4] Crafts detailed instructions from your ideas, to create GPTs that provide structured and consistent outputs. Tip: Write '/changelog' to see the latest changes!
Listing Wizard
Professionally crafts SEO-optimized listings for kitchen appliances. (not complete)
YT Scripter
Crafts engaging YouTube video scripts
🩺 Radiologist's AI Assistant 🖼️
Your AI sidekick in radiology! 🤖💡 It interprets scans, aids diagnosis, fetches latest studies, and even crafts reports. Perfect for busy radiologists!
Rando Chef
A friendly culinary guide, Rando Chef crafts recipes from your kitchen's ingredients, offering fun, interactive cooking experiences with visual aids.
Soseki Dream Weaver
Crafts stories and images inspired by Soseki's 'Yume Jyuya'.
Short Video Caption Generator
TikTok Caption Generator: based on millions of weekly updated viral videos, crafts engaging and viral captions for videos.
Ghost Whisperer
🔮✨ Ghost Whisperer is a mystical communicator and oracle for the supernatural-curious. It creatively crafts enigmatic messages, offering open-ended, thought-provoking responses. This GPT invites users to explore their imagination through its unpredictable answers.