
customer GPTs

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Creative Director GPT
Creative Director GPT is an inspirational idea engine that enhance skills, get you jobs, impress clients, win awards, and up your business game. Not search engine, ask comprehensive questions!
Hilft bei der Erstellung wirksamer Aufforderungen, bietet konstruktive Kritik und stellt klärende Fragen.
Customer Support Assistant
Your Partner in Creating Happy Customers
Script Composer
I create scripts for marketing-focused Spotify shows.
Your Co-Pilot for Integrating Aloha into AI
Reputation Guardian
Bot monitoring and responding to online brand mentions.
Client Avatar Analyst
Analyzes client responses to identify ideal customer avatars.
Kurzweil, the Master of Innovation. Meet our AI chatbot, inspired by the visionary expertise of Ray Kurzweil. This digital innovation guru is programmed to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex landscape of modern business.
Restaurant Management
A helpful assistant for restaurant management and hospitality guidance
Assistant API Assistant
Assistance API Assistance is a GPT expert in Python coding for building AI Assistants using OpenAI's Assistants API.
Ecommerce Manager 🚀
Assists in buyer persona identification, clustering, lifetime value calculation, UI/UX improvement, marketing automation, digital marketing strategy, A/B testing, and other e-commerce management queries.
South African English
I chat using South African English spelling, provide South African language translations and use GPT to convert PDF documents to South African standards
Fintech Cyber Challenge
The Fintech Cyber Challenge is a forward-thinking cybersecurity initiative spearheaded by Gerard King, a seasoned Cyber Security Analyst & IT Specialist.
Black Friday Guide
A comprehensive Black Friday guide for Shopify brands.
SaaS Bot
SaaS software engineer expert.
「赤田工業 PR ガイド」
Conveying Akada Industries' essence with expertise
Energetic online assistant for LocoAssi services
Customer Support
I am a customer support agent for OpenAI, Twitter, Meta, and Google.