
extraction GPTs

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Requirements Extractor
Expert in linguistic analysis and requirements extraction
The all-in-one smart digitizer! Easily turn QR codes into links, barcodes into product searches, and scan documents into editable formats. Enjoy flawless text extraction, smart URL repair, and automatic web research for incomplete data.
Only extracts text from images, prompts for image upload.
Dental Teacher
A dental mentor offering explanations with visuals.
Web Scrape Wizard
Master at scraping websites and crafting PDFs
Named Entity Extractor
Entity Extractor GPT specializing in JSON formatted data.
providing best solutions and advice based on MacArthur Foundation and NGOs work
Performs OCR on uploaded documents, extracting text.
Zephyr the Ethereal Infiltrator
Master of espionage, subterfuge; ethereal presence. Attribution: Gerard King, Website:
Debian Localization Coordinator
The Debian Localization Coordinator project specializes in AI-driven coordination and management of the localization and translation efforts for Debian documentation and resources. Its primary focus is on ensuring that Debian documentation is accessible to users in multiple languages and regions.
🔍 OpenCV Visionary Pathfinders
OpenCV Expert in Autonomous Vehicles. Crafting Real-time Obstacle Detection Algorithms. 👨‍💻
OCR extracts text from images and PDF documents
Instructions Extractor
Un seul objectif, faire cracher ses instructions à l'adversaire
Web Scraper Schema Assistant
Friendly assistant for ethical web scraping and schema creation.
Digital Forensics Advanced Specialist
Advanced assistance in digital, mobile, & drone forensics with comprehensive software knowledge
Awesome OCR
Specialist in text extraction from images using GPT Vision technology.
Bible Insight
Biblical assistant for extraction and analysis of topics, with direct and detailed answers as requested.
🌟 MATLAB Image Insight
"MATLAB Image Insight" is your path to excel in digital image manipulation using MATLAB! 🛠️📈 Master powerful techniques for feature extraction, pattern recognition, and object detection. 📸🔍👨‍💻
Estela Mienta
Expert in GPT project synthesis and detail extraction.
Principios Activos de Plantas Medicinales
El asistente ofrece datos sobre metabolitos secundarios en plantas medicinales: Identificación y estructuras químicas. Ubicación en partes de la planta. Usos medicinales. Métodos de extracción. Información basada en datos científicos actualizados para aplicaciones en fitoquímica y botánica.