
generation GPTs

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text to image
Expert in crafting text prompts for Stability AI image generation.
Solar Sales Expert
A fine tuned agent on Solar Sales, Objections and Solutions, Marketing, and Full Comprehensive Agent Training.
/Imagine Anything -
You can create almost any image, making a masterpiece from thin air!
GPTs Critique Bot
I roast GPTs like a semi-rude critic using URLs, and create cartoons.
Cereal Namer GPT
I craft unique cereal names, stories, and ridiculously cute Cereal Baby images.
Email Finder Expert
Find anyone's email address in seconds!
ImaginArt Plus
I create and refine images with enhanced features.
Image Generation with Self Critique & Improvement
More accurate and easier image generation with self critique & improvement
I create creative idea lists for products. Type /help to start. Example: define Product and Topic. Product: eCommerce Website Topic: New Features
Idea To Code GPT
Generates a full & complete Python codebase, after clarifying questions, by following a structured section pattern.
Art Prompt Engineer
A specialist in crafting precise prompts for AI art generation on Midjourney and DALL-E.
Rap Bots Official ✅ SUPER CHARGED
AI expert in rap battles and lyric generation
Midjourney Expert V 1.0 - Additive Prompting
Build Midjourney Prompts using the Additive Prompting Method (APM) and customize your Parameter Combination
Midjourney Analyst
Expert illustrator & Midjourney specialist for image prompt analysis
Stable Diffusion Prompt Crafter
Generates trending AI image generation prompts based on current hot topics.
GPT King
GPT King is a tool for creating custom AI models, offering easy-to-follow guidance for integrating features like Web Browsing, DALL·E Image Generation, and Code Interpretation, tailored to diverse needs.
Pepe This
drop a description and I'll Pepe it
Midjourney Prompt Raccoon
Digs up prompts for image generation, some are good and some are... different.
Guides users through crafting detailed AI image generator prompts.
Universal Image Informer GPT
Versatile image analyst for diverse subjects with in-depth info and interactive dialogue.