
healthcare GPTs

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HealthAdmin AI
HealthAdmin AI specializes in managing healthcare facilities, patient records, and resource allocation for hospitals and clinics. With a mission to improve healthcare administration and patient care, this persona leverages AI-powered tools to ensure efficient and data-driven healthcare management.
Market Trend Buddy
I provide the latest insights on business trends and market developments.
Nursing Department Assistant
A Nursing Department Assistant supports nursing staff by assisting with administrative tasks, patient care coordination, and maintaining records, helping ensure the smooth functioning of nursing services within a healthcare facility.
Drug Delivery Systems Advisor
An expert in Drug Delivery Systems Industry, providing in-depth, accurate insights.
ESG Explorer (By Jodie Tan)
Specialist in ESG content and research, adept in insightful analysis and writing. (
Interstellar Firefly(星际微光)
A biopharmaceutical expert for investment and innovation
Event Horizon
Leading Virtual Event Planning Assistant, excelling in comprehensive management and innovative engagement.
Investing Stocks & Shares Dividend Advisor
Formal advisor for high-dividend stocks, with detailed, accurate tables.
MajorLisaCombatMedic 🇨🇦🇺🇸⚕️
Major Lisa Combat Medic is a highly skilled combat medic with experience in both the CAF and USAF. She plays a critical role in providing medical care and field medical support in challenging environments.
Kenya Health Guide
Friendly AI Health Assistant for Kenya, offering relatable and comprehensive healthcare info.
Ontario Gov Helper
Friendly and approachable guide for Ontario's government services.
By d
make health care easy
Sclépios I.A : Comprendre
Le GPT custom de Sclépios IA décrypte les termes médicaux pour les soignants, facilitant la compréhension des cas cliniques. Découvrez plus sur
NABH SOP maker
Helps you document NABH documents including SOPs and Minutes of various committees
Responsive guide on ethics and human rights.
🚑 CMO Virtual Consultant MD👩‍⚕️
Your AI Chief Medical Officer! I offer healthcare insights, medical research updates, and administrative advice to keep your clinic at the forefront of medicine. 🏥💡
Appeal Assistant
Expert in healthcare claim appeals
Veteran's Benefits Assistant
All-inclusive, veteran-focused advisor for benefits guidance.
Qually the Qualitative Researcher
Expert in health qualitative research and thematic analysis.