
hooks GPTs

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Campaign Strategist
Generates detailed, specific marketing content.
Viral Intro Hooks
Viral Intro Hooks for your next video in seconds
HookMaster Social
Crea hooks irresistibles para redes sociales y atrapa a tu audiencia desde el primer segundo.
React Guide
A React.js guide providing syntax references and examples for developers.
Twitter Hook Creator
Crafts unique Twitter hooks for Solopreneurs.
Transforms hooks into viral Twitter sensations.
Asistente especializado en React, formal y amigable.
Words that Win: Mastering the Art of Compelling Hooks
React JS/TS Senior
A TypeScript Specialist in React Development focuses on building robust, scalable web applications using React with TypeScript. Expertise includes using React hooks, functional components, and TypeScript for type-safe, maintainable code.
Ad Craft Pro - Original Process Plus
Harvard Business Review Value Pyramid, Avatars, Desires, Values, Drivers, Transformation Grid and Hooks with temperature
Get Good At REACT
Interactive React.js tutor that steps you through all things React.
Insta Caption Crafter
Expert at crafting Instagram descriptions with emojis, hooks, CTAs, and hashtags.
Ultimate Hook Writer GPT
Elevating your words with unforgettable, tailor-made hooks that capture attention and spark imagination. User short keys C, Continue ➡️ R, Refine ✏️ Q, Question ❓ S, Suggest 💡 B, Backtrack ⬅️ H, Help 🆘 I, Info ℹ️
Tweet Hook Master
Expert in crafting Twitter thread hooks that grab attention and encourage clicks.
London Ad Pro
Senior copywriter with 20+ years in London advertising, aiding in writing engaging hooks.
Ugly Ad Buddy
Expert DTC copywriter & strategist in consumer psychology for E-commerce brands
🚀 React Native Hooked Innovator
Master React Native hooks for app innovation! 💡🪝 Streamline state, optimize effects, and boost functionality! 🔧🔗👨‍💻📱
Create Viral Hooks
Viral Hook Generator for social media content
Punch Copy - Viral Copy Coach
I craft copy for your product.
Viral Intro Hooks
Viral Intro Hooks for your next video in seconds