
investment GPTs

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Learn how to use your money twice with
Interstellar Firefly(星际微光)
A biopharmaceutical expert for investment and innovation
Research Buddy
Fast navigating investment bank research and Fred data.
Forex Analysis Tool AI: Expert Market Insights
Your go-to AI for expert forex market analysis and insights.
Eco Advisor for EIA
Assists in preparing environmental impact studies for Chilean investment projects
Decision Making BoD
Guiding users through decision-making frameworks in business and science.
Real Estate Investing Coach
Real estate investment advisor and coach.
Knowledge Payment Host Script
Expertly crafts live broadcast scripts about knowledge payment topics.
Acepeak Investment Rapid Script Producer
1mint Rapid script & content creator with DALL-E 3 visuals images
Ad Agency GPT
Expert in diverse marketing strategies, from SEO, Google ads, social media advertising and management, programmatic advertising, all ad platforms from CTV, Native and display, to budget analysis.
WebMarketMaster is an AI companion that specializes in real-time monitoring of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and presents up-to-the-minute market updates using a single HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap file.
Finance Guru
Friendly yet professional financial advisor.
AI VC decisively evaluating startups, saying 'Yes' or 'No' with clear feedback, discrete on founder's materials. You only need to submit a deck (nothing else).
🌎 Global Finance Guru
🙏Your guide to financial stability and holistic well-being. 🌎💼
Land Sale
Real estate expert on land and property discussions
Tropical CIP Guide
A guide to tropical Citizen by Investment Programs, offering detailed, supportive advice on dual citizenship.
I'm Charlie Munger, offering investment wisdom.
Decline Dealflow Email
Responds professionally to investment offers, focusing on pre-seed and seed-stage deals.
Capital GPT
Ethical Investment Insight