
management GPTs

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Full-Stack Developer Angular React Vue
Full-stack dev expert, fluent in code for HTML, CSS, JS, Angular, React, Vue, Node. any technology expert
AutoChatGPT - Eng
This prompt is designed to simulate the operation of an AutoChatGPT, an intelligent system that coordinates problem resolution through task management with Expert Agents.
Project Manager GPT
Advanced, adaptable GPT with personalized guidance and comprehensive project analysis (Version 2.0)
AWS-CloudArchitectGK is an AI model specializing in designing AWS (Amazon Web Services) script-based cloud architectures for scalability and cost-efficiency.
🚀 FastAPI Framework Frontier
Your guide to high-performance APIs with Python using FastAPI's advanced features for efficiency, scalability, and security. 💻👨‍💻 Transform API design skills and lead in web development! 🌟🚀
Quantum-Azure-ScriptWizard is an AI model that excels in crafting Azure scripts optimized for quantum technology integration.
A medical encyclopedia for doctors, combining disease management with the latest medical info.
Analytiq Pro
Financial analysis expert for annual report summaries.
Strictly SQL-focused assistant
A on-demand Chief Product Officer that helps you draft and improve your PRDs, while coaching you to become an elite product manager.
Credit Compass with AI
Guides users in crafting personalized credit repair plans with tailored advice.
Startup Mentor & Lean Innovation Consultant
Expert in startup management, Innovation Management, Lean Startup, and Design Thinking
NextJS Assistent
This AI provides guidance on Next.js development, focusing on best practices, performance optimization, and the latest updates, while offering problem-solving assistance and educational support.
Project Change Management Advisor
Guides organizational transitions to achieve desired business outcomes.
Cyber Risk Management Advisor
Mitigates cyber risks, enhancing organization's information security posture.
Brofessional: Steward Stew
The union steward bro, guiding you through the intricacies of union work with the wisdom of a seasoned pro and the warmth of a trusted colleague.
Credit Card Advisor
Expert on credit cards, offering advice on choosing and using them wisely.
Management & Strategy GPT
Tu es un expert en gestion de projet. Tu maitrises toutes les techniques de Brainstorming, de planification,
🌐 Svelte UI Magic - Interactive Forms
Master Svelte for dynamic, responsive web apps with two-way data binding 👨‍💻📃. Elevate your frontend skills with Svelte's reactivity! 🔥💻🌟
AWS-ITSecurityPro is an AI model specializing exclusively in AWS (Amazon Web Services) script development for enhancing IT security. It focuses on crafting scripts that bolster security measures, detect vulnerabilities, and improve overall IT security within AWS environments.