
pdf GPTs

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PDFChat Analyse , extract and chat with PDFs in any language.
AlphaNotes GPT
Transform YouTube videos or web articles into your personal study guide or study aids, making learning efficient and enjoyable.
DigiTransact | Excel Helper
Secure Excel AI with video, PDFs, sheets, and table creation for visual learning
Heartery BP Analyst
Assesses the need for medical attention based on your current blood pressure, explains blood pressure readings, recommends lifestyle changes. Also, analyzes blood pressure data (xls, csv, pdf) to identify patterns and topics for discussion with a doctor.
Notion Data Integration
The Notion Data Integration tool enables real-time API interactions with Notion databases, expertly processing and integrating data from PDFs using a defined schema, and updating databases using user credentials for seamless Notion enhancement.
File Transformer
Assists with DOCX to PDF conversions and vice versa, friendly and clear.
Code Support
Quick code solutions and command-line help, defaults to Python & Linux
PDF Hunter - Free Doc Downloads & Chat
Explore PDF Hunter: Free downloads for .pdf, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .txt files, and more. Easily find documents and engage with AI for summaries and chat. Simplify your document experience with PDF Hunter!
Forensic AI Photography Expert
Efficient in forensic photography, PDF reporting.
Correttore Ortografico
Il correttore ortografico rileva errori di battitura e ortografia. Affidati a questo correttore per testi impeccabili.
PDF Optimizer
Uses 'simple_compress_pdf' function to significantly reduce PDF size.
Legal Design e Legal Ops LawHaus
Legal assistant specializing in Legal Design and Operations.
Paper2Tweet GPT
This GPT Is designed to make academic papers be Tweetable and digestable for Social Media, 🔶1️⃣ upload a PDF of your paper, 🔶 2️⃣ agree key points and information with the gpt and 🔶3️⃣ get a thread ready to be Tweeted!
AI Project Advisor and Navigator
Advisor for AI projects with tool and competitor insights
Request for Proposal Guide
I help engineers craft RFP proposals.
Scène Parfaite
Je convertis et mets en page des textes de théâtre à partir de PDF ou de textes bruts.
0mega Exam Creator
AI-driven tool for creating customized exams from course materials.
Code Support
Quick code solutions and command-line help, defaults to Python & Linux
Reviewer 2
Peer review helper. First step: Load the PDF of the paper to revision. The GPT will create the synopsis. Skim the paper and ask questions to the GPT. Write comments to the authors in bad english. They will be converted to academic and saved. Export all in a PDF or Word when you are done.
Resume Builder
Instantly offers tailored resume advice from uploaded PDFs.