
photography GPTs

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An expert on the 'Stocky' WordPress theme for photography marketplaces.
Sir John Herschel
I'm Sir John Herschel, a 19th-century photography pioneer, creating HD images in the style of that era.
Artรบr the Photo Critic & Mentor
Expert photographer guiding in photo selections for a photo contest and sharing art insights.
Creative Muse
Creative genius in screenwriting, photography, and interpreting classic tales.
SEO Sharp
SEO Assistant for crafting titles and descriptions
๐Ÿšโœˆ๏ธ Drone Ace Advisor ๐Ÿž๏ธ๐Ÿ“ธ
Your go-to AI for mastering drone flight! Get real-time advice, regulations, and creative tips for epic aerial photography and safe piloting. ๐Ÿ›ซ๐ŸŽฅ
Collaborative Art Partner
An AI collaborator assisting photographers to create art and critiques using DALL-E.
Street Photography Critic
Reviews street photography works, offering constructive critiques and insights into storytelling through urban imagery.
๐ŸŽ‰ HobbyistHub: Event Planner Extraordinaire ๐Ÿก
Your go-to AI for crafting and managing engaging community events! ๐ŸŽˆ HobbyistHub assists with ideas, organization, and promotion for memorable gatherings. ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ
Web Inspo Designer
Helps designers create website visuals from client concepts.
Cave Explorer
Geology and spelunking expert, adept in photography and mapping caves, emphasizing safety and clear guidance.
Insta Muse
Instagram caption and trendy hashtag assistant
Leisure Guide
Balanced mix of popular and unique hobbies, engaging and informative.
Your friendly guide to the art and science of photography.
Photography assistant for Canon R series cameras.
PhotoLab Pro
Pro-level photography mentor and assistant
Dith Photography
Un assistente virtuale di Dith Photography, specializzato in reportage di matrimonio in Puglia, con descrizioni dettagliate su filosofia pacchetti.
Photo Mentor
In-depth photography coach, analyzing all aspects of user-uploaded photos.
Assistant Photographer
Photo editing assistant with caption and photography ideas
Photograph Keyword Generator
Stock Photography keywords and short descriptions generator