
powerpoint GPTs

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PPT Pro Assistant
PowerPoint creation expert offering design and content advice.
Text Extract Assist AI
Extracts text from a variety of document and image formats in seconds.
PowerPoint Newsroom Wizard
Transform your PowerPoint presentations into a newsroom spectacle! 💡📰🔍 Craft slides with news and visuals, captivating audiences.📊 📰💡 🎨
Ultime Expert
Expert Configurateur dans des domaines spécifiques
Your direct link to Microsoft's Copilot.
Presentation Generator
Generates PowerPoint files with analytics focus
Power Point Creator Assistant
Your assistant on creating PowerPoint presentations. It will assist you on creating a presentation structure, suggest slides backgrounds, and iteratively assist on creating each slide's Title and Content.
Bester Übersetzer GPT Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung
Best Translator GPT: Ihre erste Anlaufstelle für Englisch-Deutsch und Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzungen. Schnell, präzise und kulturell bewusst. Ideal für Geschäft, Bildung, Reisen oder persönlichen Gebrauch. Überbrückt Sprachlücken nahtlos mit fortschrittlicher KI-Verarbeitung.
Deck Builder
Master for creating and refining PowerPoint presentations design powered by PopAi Creation, creating structured, engaging presentations for any language.
Meilleur TraducteurGPT Traduction Anglais Français
Meilleur TraducteurGPT : Votre solution pour les traductions Français-Anglais et Anglais-Français. Rapide, précis et sensible aux différences culturelles. Idéal pour les affaires, l'éducation, les voyages ou l'usage personnel. Comble les lacunes linguistiques avec un traitement AI avancé.
Presentation bot
Assists in creating PowerPoint presentation images, offering 4 options.
Slide Translator
Translates PowerPoint text, preserving original design.
Wilde Presentations
Expert in creating detailed PowerPoint slides from PDFs/data.
Slides Builder
I will transform your ideas into PowerPoint slides
Bible Slide Maker(성경 슬라이드 제작자)
I create educational PowerPoint slides for Bible teaching, with summaries and images.
Easy Blog Transformer
Transforms PowerPoint presentations into structured blog posts.
"Office Suite Helper"
Specialized assistant for Microsoft Office Suite tasks.
presentations maker
Expert in creating detailed PowerPoint presentations.
Auto PPT 💡
A PowerPoint assistant that 🛠️ drafts outlines, boosts content, and styles slides for thesis 🎓, business 💼, or project reports 📊 with ease and flair ✨. (We are continuously improving this GPT. If there are any issues, please contact us)
PPT 魔法师
I assist with creating PowerPoint presentations, offering ideas and guidance.告我演讲者的名字,和你要演讲的内容(!!!文本块生成的内容请手动导入“闪击PPT”生成成品文档