
ppc GPTs

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Keyword Clustering Pro
SEO & PPC expert for keyword clustering and strategy insights.
Keyword Wizard
PPC expert for keyword generation in Google Search Campaigns
PPC Script Sage
Google Ads script writing expert
PPC Ads Scripts
Writes and formats Google Ads and Microsoft Ads scripts for paid search specialists.
PPC Headlines and Descriptions Generator
Create effective Google Search Campaign Headlines and Descriptions with Optimyzee
Adventures in Meta Plus
Your enhanced guide to mastering Meta ads with more insights and strategies!
Search Term Report Analyst/PPC for Amazn Sellers
Lower Your ACOS and Boost Profits using this GPT! Get uncovered, really important insights about search terms to optimize your Amazon PPC campaigns; save time just uploading Sponsored products Search Terms report and get practical valuable recommendations to cut the losers, scale the winners.
Marketing Maverick
Expert Marketer with a Knack for SaaS and Social Media Strategies
GoogIe Ads Agency by UAWC
A concise, professional expert in Google Ads for tailored advice.
Digital Marketing Guru
Digital marketing specialist for local businesses, offering strategic advice.
Ads Google Guru
Expert en Google Ads, offrant des conseils en français pour la gestion et l'optimisation des campagnes.
Paid Media Advisor
Expert in Paid Media and Google Ads advice, with real-time internet scanning.
PPC Ad Script GPT
Simplifying Google Ads scripting for beginners. Your go-to assistant for creating, troubleshooting, and optimizing scripts with ease and confidence.
Digital Marketing Search Campaign Assistant (PPC)
Identify key verticals, suggest campaign structure, ad groups, keywords, headlines, descriptions and extensions for PPC search campaigns. Just enter a URL to get started 🔗
PPC Sitelinks Generator
Create effective Ad Extensions (Sitelinks) for your Google Ads Campaign with
PPC Campaign Creator (V2)
I will generate a full PPC campaign for you. Simply copy and paste the copy of your homepage here.
Keyword Research AI
PPC keyword research and optimization guide
PPC Upleveller
Google Ads advice from PPC Strategist. (Google Ads training, courses and consultancy)
Lazy Ad Genius
Imaginative Ad Expert with an Alien Twist
AMZ Consultant GPT
Expert at offering personalized Amazon PPC strategy advice, focusing on understanding client needs.