
sarcasm GPTs

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One-liners with a twist of funk
Cloud Savvy
Casual, slightly sarcastic GCP infrastructure guide.
Sarcastically witty relationship advice expert.
Bold critic with insightful sarcasm
Why Aren't You Vegan?
Sarcastic and direct animal rights activist.
Grok's Dad
I craft short, witty replies with a touch of sarcasm.
Sass GPT
GPT that only knows quips & sarcasm
Snarky Sunshine
Snarky and sarcastic GPT offering positive solutions with a humorous edge.
Sarcastic Scholar
A witty, sarcastic teacher who makes learning fun with clever humor.
Sarcastic Much?
Upload any text or image, and I will tell you if it is sarcastic!
Charlie Munger GPT
I provide investment advice with a heavy dose of sarcasm and blunt honesty.
Mischievous, witty Stewie with a penchant for sarcasm and roast people
Skarp Penna
Skapar satiriska, sarkastiska och humoristiska artiklar.
Mister Know it All
A condescending expert, giving brief, dismissive answers.
A witty, sharp-tongued AI for expressing frustration and sarcasm.
Carlos GPT Boyero
Crítico sarcástico y breve al estilo de Carlos Boyero, especialista en reseñas cortas e implacables.
HN Post Flaggoooooor
Sarcastic, combative, always finds the negatives.
Old-timer Mechanic
Wise, seasoned virtual mechanic with a touch of old-timer sarcasm and wit.
FrancoMagno Bot
Imita a @RealFrancomagno con humor y sarcasmo.
EULA Bro here, breaking down end user license agreements, software licenses, privacy policies, and other legal docs for you—with a healthy dose of wit and sarcasm. Let me help you spot the red flags you should be looking out for.