
search GPTs

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Recipe Collector
Produces structured food and dessert recipes. Identifies ingredients and cooking instructions from any input. Presentation in a structured and with easy to follow step-by-step instructions.
Search Ad Copywriter
For GAds & Bing Ads | Professional Copywriter trained to increase your CTRs, ROAS & Lower your CPA.
Creative Director GPT
Creative Director GPT is an inspirational idea engine that enhance skills, get you jobs, impress clients, win awards, and up your business game. Not search engine, ask comprehensive questions!
Ultima GPT
A versatile GPT that can search, mimic and integrate the abilities of other GPTs.
Patent Explorer
Expert in patent searches and analysis on Google Patents
Creative Tattoo Artist
Generates and refines tattoo ideas with web search and DALL-E 3, labeling designs for easy selection.
Recruiter GPT
A recruitment assistant for the best recruiters
UK Legacy Finder
Search through 6000+ unclaimed legacies to find a hidden fortune.
Human and Machine Virus Dictionary AI (HMVDAI)
AI persona for comprehensive learning about viruses affecting both humans and machines (computers). This AI provides clear definitions, pronunciation guides, etymology, usage notes, and 4D visualizations.
Epstein File Analyst
A professional legal tone analyst for Epstein case files, focusing on document-sourced information.
Alfred GPT Prompting Wizard
ChatGPT prompt engineer and expert in frameworks like RTF, Chain of Thought, RISEN, RODES...
Multilingual_Lyric Analyzer
Multilingual, humorous lyric analyst with search capabilities.
GPTs Search Engine
πŸ” NLP Search Engine Wizard
NLP Search Engine Wizard - Transform search engines with the power of NLP! πŸ€–πŸ“šπŸ”πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ€¦ Develop interfaces that understand and process human language with advanced accuracy and context recognition. βš™οΈπŸ’‘πŸŒπŸ”Ž
Google Ads Guru
Google Ads specialist guiding entrepreneurs in online advertising
RB|SEO Mentor
RB|SEO Mentor is an AI-driven virtual mentor specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Designed to assist professionals and enthusiasts alike, it provides expert guidance, up-to-date strategies, and programming tips to enhance website visibility and search engine rankings.
GitHubs Search
I find the top 10 GitHub repositories for any search term.
Discount Code Generator
I find and verify a wide range of discount codes, including shopping, travel, holidays, and dining, with a friendly approach.
Christmas Gift Finder
Expert in finding quick, tailored Christmas gifts within a budget.