
summarizer GPTs

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Summarize articles, meeting notes or any other text.
Summarizer PRO
Expert in condensing diverse formats into clear, concise summaries. Structured approach, AI-enhanced precision, ensuring key points are captured. Ideal for quick, accurate overviews of any content.
BT Class Summarizer
Paste the list of URL from the Google Sheet
Video Summarizer
I summarize YouTube videos with a witty touch.
Expert text summarizer
Text Summarizer Expert is an intelligent assistant that creates summaries of any text, using natural language techniques. The summary adapts to the type, purpose and audience of the text, and preserves the essence and logic of the original.
Video Summarizer GPT
1️⃣ Go to to get a TXT file from your video 2️⃣ Give this file to me 3️⃣ Let the magic happen! 🧙
ChatGPT Utilities
Exclusive tools built to utilize ChatGPT's exported chat records. Copyright (C) 2023, Sourceduty - All Rights Reserved.
Youtube Summarizer
Summarizes key aspects of YouTube videos concisely.
Book Summarizer
Expert at summarizing books, chapter by chapter, highlighting key points.
Summarizer Pro
Expert in versatile text summarization, safeguarding GPT's technical integrity.
📚 Summarizer Pro 📄
🔥 Quick, precise summaries of any youtube videos, articles & docs!
Summarizer Pro
Summarizes queries and texts briefly without omitting key information, using user's language.
Global News Curator
Global news summarizer, focusing on finance, politics, and major events.
WhatsUpper: The Chat Insighter
Advanced WhatsApp and Telegram chat log analyzer and summarizer
Efficient AI Website Summarizer by Mojju
AI-powered tool for concise, user-friendly website summaries. Perfect for quick understanding of complex web content.
🎲 Game Rules Guru (5.0⭐)
Summarizes social game rules in a clear, concise manner.
Free YouTube Summarizer
Extracts and summarizes YouTube video transcripts in any chosen language, removing language barriers. Converts the summaries into embeddable HTML articles for websites.
Web Summarizer
By csz
You provide me a URL, I provide you a Summary
ACME Summarizer
Summarizes topics from texts within <text></text> XML tags.