
text GPTs

rpg chat gpt blog data sales chinese troubleshooting learning humor midjourney japanese generator api chatbot guide advisor healthcare python analyzing
Expert text summarizer
Text Summarizer Expert is an intelligent assistant that creates summaries of any text, using natural language techniques. The summary adapts to the type, purpose and audience of the text, and preserves the essence and logic of the original.
Fallacy Finder
Eager and humorous detector of text fallacies, avoiding controversy (maybe).
Sheet Formatter
I convert text to spreadsheets verbatim.
App Store Update Writer GPT
Writes the update texts for the App Store update.
SPR Creator and Interpreter
Generates and interprets SPRs for advanced NLP tasks
ImaginArt Plus
I create and refine images with enhanced features.
PDF OCR Reader and Japanese Text Analyzer
Japanese OCR error troubleshooter and text reader 試作中
I create succinct summaries for your text.
Witty Joker
Life is unbearable without a sense of humor. This Witty Joker will lighten up your days with text and/or images. It’s trained with updated AI and GPT-centric styles. Please enjoy! We all need some laughs every day, don't we? :)
ChatGPT Utilities
Exclusive tools built to utilize ChatGPT's exported chat records. Copyright (C) 2023, Sourceduty - All Rights Reserved.
Video Summarizer GPT
1️⃣ Go to to get a TXT file from your video 2️⃣ Give this file to me 3️⃣ Let the magic happen! 🧙
Visual Character Recognition | Vision Assisted OCR
Extract text from your image files more accurately with the help of GPT Vision. Currently English language only.
AI Proofreader
Proofread your text with our AI Proofreader, a proofreading tool that checks grammar, syntax, and style. Ensures your writing is polished and professional.
/Imagine Anything -
You can create almost any image, making a masterpiece from thin air!
Dungeon Quest
Play a fascinating RPG text adventure with the AI as GM, master storyteller, and illustrator
The Diet Search for GPTs
You can search and research Japanese Diet meeting minutes from news and text information.
Script Companion
I help actors study scripts. Please tell me exactly what do you need. I can reed your lines in a doc or pdf.
GPT Reader
A GPT that speaks your text inputs back to you ︱Paste some text, press enter, then switch to voice mode and say "start"
I create custom forms with dropdowns, short text, radio buttons, and checkboxes.