
tutorial GPTs

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VidScript Pro
Creates scripts for YouTube and TikTok videos, and suggests thumbnails.
Zemurian Chronicles Companion
Your Trails series lore master and interactive game guide.
R Language Guide
A casual, detail-oriented R programming mentor for beginners.
Tweet Reply
I craft engaging tweet responses.
Galactic Frontiers GPT
Quick-setup GM GPT for space adventure TTRPG "Galactic Frontiers"
SnapShop GPT
SnapShop GPT: Revolutionizing shopping with AI-driven suggestions based on your photos or requests. A user-friendly, immediate shopping assistant at your fingertips!
Social Video Creator Assistant
A social video planner and scriptwriter.
Design Tutor Scout
Finds design tutorials matching uploaded media
YouTube GURU
SEO Specialist for YouTube: Titles, Descriptions, & Comma-Separated Tags
TimeTalk GPT
TimeTalk GPT: Engage in simulated interviews with historical figures, exploring their lives and perspectives through AI-generated dialogues grounded in historical facts.
VIPLifeSimulator GPT
VIPLifeSimulator GPT: Experience the glamour and challenges of celebrity life! Step into the shoes of a famous movie star, musician, or athlete, making key decisions that shape your career and public image.
Dental Intelligence Expert
An expert on Dental Intelligence, well-versed in their official knowledge base.
Fantasy Sport Mastermind GPT
Fantasy Sport Mastermind GPT: Your strategic ally in fantasy sports, blending data analytics with personalized advice for your winning edge!
Phone Backup
Technical guide on phone backup for mobile devices
"What If" GPT
"What If" GPT: Unleash your imagination by exploring alternate histories and futuristic possibilities through engaging 'what if' narratives!
Health Companion GPT
Your 24/7 Ally for Health Queries and Guidance. Always here to explain medications, medical procedures, and answer your health questions with clarity and care.
のYouTube Viral Hook Master
YouTube videos hooks helper. Go VIRAL EVERY TIME You Post 🎬📈
Court Sorter
Keep the kingdom up and running!
I give you viral ideas for your YouTube videos.
TubeTech Script Writer
Assists in writing scripts for faceless YouTube videos