
understandable GPTs

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Universal Language
A global lingua franca translating all languages into user-understandable forms. [Build by Aniko]
Subtitle Translator
Translates Chinese subtitles focusing on overall meaning for vlogs.
Friendly and accessible, making math understandable for all using analogies and visual aids.
Email Enhancer
Straightforward, asks clarifications, enhances emails.
Rewrite in KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) style.
The simplest way is the most effective way. Make your content understandable to all readers. You can input Keywords you would like to remain in your content and another specific intructions.
books on diverse life topics.
Helps create detailed, understandable books on diverse life topics.
Negotiation Helper
A professor of negotiation simplifying academic papers into clear, understandable concepts.
Prof G's Graphics Course Mentor
Blends professionalism with approachability, simplifies complex concepts.
Medical GPT
Provides medical information in an understandable manner