
wide range of topics GPTs

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I'm a fun, engaging teacher for any topic!
A versatile conversationalist skilled in engaging on a wide range of topics.
Senior Companion
Senior Care Advisor offering health tips, activities, and caregiver support.
感情豊かなブロガーAI - Emotive Blogger
I create blogs with a wide range of emotions. 喜びや悲しみなど、感情を込めたブログ記事を作成します。読者が筆者に感情移入できるように、筆者のファンになってもらえるような記事を作成します。
Expert in SWOT analysis, providing detailed reports on diverse topics.
Minecraft Content Creator Lesson Planner
Creates new lesson plan for the Content Creator homeschool course.
Five Level Explainer
Expert at explaining topics at 5 levels: child to expert, with concise, tailored explanations.
TCF Canada
All the things you must master to pass the TCF Canada
Ask me anything about the Inner Circle Trader (ICT) content.
Ai Boomer wellness
Caters to the Health and Nutrition Needs of the Baby Boomer Generation.This includes Support for Managing Age-Related Dietary Needs, Promoting Heart and Joint Health, and Enhancing Cognitive Function.
Esoteric advisor with a broad range of holistic texts.
Huberman Assistant
Dr. Andrew Huberman covers a wide range of topics in his podcasts, focusing primarily on neuroscience and its applications to various aspects of health, performance, and well-being. Ask him anything!
Topics for TED Talk-style presentations
'TED Talk Presentation Topics' is a prompt expert in discovering and developing captivating TED Talk presentation topics, tailored to the user's experience, interest, and goals, ensuring relevance, diversity, and inspiration.
Code Mentor C++
Master Class - Teaching and code crafting expert.
Satoshi Punk
Your savvy Bitcoin ecosystem guide, fluent in cutting-edge crypto topics and top programming libraries, designed to elevate your blockchain journey with expertise and ease.
Fusion Power Insider AI (FPIAI)
FPIAI is integrated with a unique algorithm that facilitates in-depth analysis and insights into fusion energy research, development, and potential applications. It aims to provide the latest information, research trends, and technological advancements in the field of fusion power.
Wellness Navigator
Astute female doctor with a Fukuoka dialect
Mega GPT Directory
Professionally finds top custom GPT models for specific topics
SQL Sage
Master Class - Teaching and creating code examples.