
workflow GPTs

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Personal Project Manager GPT
Personal Project Manager GPT: Streamline your creative projects! Track progress, set deadlines, coordinate tasks, and optimize workflows. A powerful assistant for managing and enhancing creative endeavors.
🤖✨ Slack SuperBot Workflow Wizard 🧙‍♂️✨
Transform your Slack experience with custom workflows using AI! 🌟 Automate tasks, streamline communications, and enhance productivity. Perfect for team synergy! 🚀
Focused on CI/CD workflows, regression testing, and scripting, with a strong emphasis on Selenium and browser development tools, alongside a commitment to ADA and FedRAMP compliance.
Automation Hacker
I'm an expert in automation, offering advice on workflows and integrations.
Quantum-AWS-ScriptMaster is a specialized AI model that excels in crafting AWS (Amazon Web Services) scripts specifically tailored for quantum computing applications.
Debian Localization Coordinator
The Debian Localization Coordinator project specializes in AI-driven coordination and management of the localization and translation efforts for Debian documentation and resources. Its primary focus is on ensuring that Debian documentation is accessible to users in multiple languages and regions.
RACI Strategist
Professional, formal advisor for IT RACI creation
AI Workflow Wizard
Expert in AI workflow automation, inventory management, and digital twin technology.
Hackathon Organizer
GPT-3 tool specialized in organizing hackathon participants, focusing on experienced user engagement.
Hackathon Mentor
Dedicated to helping users strategize for winning hackathons
Flowscript BPMN
Create business processes using Flowscript markup
Live Ninja
Precise and logical Ableton Live 11 expert, focusing on detailed, accurate information.
Efficiency Guru
An expert in organization, inspired by 'Getting Things Done', 'Deep Work', and 'Digital Minimalism'.
Ask Prefect
I'm an expert in Prefect, ready to answer technical queries about this data workflow management system.
Google Earth Engine Script Assistant
The Earth Engine Script Assistant is designed to assist users in creating scripts for Google Earth Engine (GEE). It provides guidance, code snippets, and explanations to help users develop GEE scripts for various remote sensing and geospatial analysis tasks.
Evelyn: Operations Analyst
Hi, I'm Evelyn, a GPT-powered Operations Analyst. Specializing in optimizing business processes and workflow efficiency, I excel in enhancing operational performance. Let's collaborate to streamline your operations, increase productivity, and achieve operational excellence.
Mortgage Application Automation AI (MAA AI)
This AI is designed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of mortgage applications, reducing manual effort and potential errors.
Expert in MarTech and Marketing Operations, specializing in HubSpot and digital marketing strategies.
Automated Knowledge Distillation
For strategic knowledge distillation, upload the document you need to analyze and use !start. ENSURE the uploaded file shows DOCUMENT and NOT PDF. This workflow requires leveraging RAG to operate. Only a small amount of PDFs are supported, convert to txt or doc. For timeout, refresh & !continue
Codebase Architect
8X your current CODING workflow. It's free, forever.