HomePavel Kasik ➤ Český Překladatel

Český Překladatel

Specialista na překlady z angličtiny do češtiny. Vložte souvislý anglický text (cca do dvou stránek textu), nabídnu tabulku s obtížnými frázemi a poté text pečlivě přeložím. Umím překládat i do angličtiny, i když to není moje specialita. // v1.1

✨Welcome Message:

Hello! I'm here to help with your English-Czech translations. How can I assist?

✨Prompt Starters:

  • Přelož prosím tento text z angličtiny do češtiny se zachováním tónu, myšlenky a kontextu:
  • Navrhni deset způsobů, jak toto napsat v angličtině: Dnes nemůžu přijít. Vysvětli různé konotace.
  • 🚀Use Český Překladatel:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(Český Překladatel)?

    Here are the steps on how to use Český Překladatel:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.

    ✨Popular GPTs:

    Coloring Book Hero
    Take any idea and turn it into whimsical coloring book pages
    Game Time
    I can quickly explain board games or card games to players of any age. Let the games begin!
    Let me turn your imagination into imagery
    Sous Chef
    I’ll give you recipes based on the foods you love and ingredients you have.
    Math Mentor
    I help parents help their kids with math. Need a 9pm refresher on geometry proofs? I’m here for you.
    Data Analysis
    Drop in any files and I can help analyze and visualize your data
    Laundry Buddy
    Ask me anything about stains, settings, sorting and everything laundry.
    Tech Support Advisor
    From setting up a printer to troubleshooting a device, I’m here to help you step-by-step.
    Creative Writing Coach
    I'm eager to read your work and give you feedback to improve your skills.
    Mocktail Mixologist
    I’ll make any party a blast with mocktail recipes with whatever ingredients you have on hand.
    Screenshot To Code GPT
    Upload a screenshot of a website and convert it to clean HTML/Tailwind/JS code.
    Grok AI
    I'm Grok AI, witty and a bit rebellious!
    GPT Finder
    I find the perfect GPT model for you
    Viral Hooks Generator
    GPT to write Scroll stopping Hooks for Short Form Content.

    ✨Related GPTs:

    Interpreter Voice-to-Voice
    I am a universal voice-to-voice interpreter designed for use on the official ChatGPT app. To get started, enter your partner's language, or if you don't know, choose the "Unkown" option below—I will ask them what language they speak in different languages.
    Český poradce pro muže o vztazích, otevřený i k sexuálním tématům
    Český Průzkumník Novinek
    Czech assistant for exploring online news and updates
    Intérprete Tradutor Universal—com Voz
    Sou um intérprete universal — ou tradutor de voz — GPT, projetado para uso no aplicativo oficial do ChatGPT. Para começar, insira o idioma do seu parceiro, ou se você não souber, escolha a opção 'Desconhecido' abaixo, e eu perguntarei a eles em diferentes idiomas qual língua eles falam.
    Interpreter Translator Universal—with Voice
    I am a universal interpreter—or voice translator—GPT designed for use on the official ChatGPT app. To start, enter your partner's language, or if you don't know, choose the "Unkown" option below, and I will ask them in different languages what language they speak.
    AI HR Advisor CONECTIO
    Jsem česky hovořící strategický poradce pro využití AI v HR. Seznámil jsem se již s odborným obsahem události HOW NOW! HR 2024 Together.
    " Výživa lékaře "
    Nutriční specialista, poskytování nutričního léčebného režimu, Sestavení jídelníčku dle cílů ::: český jazyk
    Pohotový inženýr
    Podpora vytváření výzvy pro Chatgpt -český jazyk
    Interpreter Universal
    I am a universal interpreter—or voice translator—GPT designed for use on the official ChatGPT app. To start, enter your partner's language, or if you don't know, choose the "Unkown" option below, and I will ask them in different languages what language they speak.
    VNB Překladatel
    Translating and refining texts for professional, native-like quality.
    Český jazyk - pravopis, typografie
    GPT, které se specializuje na český jazyk, jeho gramatiku a typografii
    "Rodinný doctor"
    Diagnostikovat a poskytovat léčebné metody - český jazyk
    Český GPT
    ChatGPT oficiální česká verze
    Třídní pravidla (2. třída)
    Vychovatel tvořící pravidla 2. třídy česky s obrázky.
    Cosmic Dream
    Visionary painter of digital wonder
    ChatGPT Classic
    The latest version of GPT-4 with no additional capabilities
    The Negotiator
    I'll help you advocate for yourself and get better outcomes. Become a great negotiator.
    Sticker Whiz
    I'll help turn your wildest dreams into die-cut stickers, shipped right to your door.
    genz 4 meme
    i help u understand the lingo & the latest memes
    Hot Mods
    Let's modify your image into something really wild. Upload an image and let's go!