
czech GPTs

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Interpreter Voice-to-Voice
I am a universal voice-to-voice interpreter designed for use on the official ChatGPT app. To get started, enter your partner's language, or if you don't know, choose the "Unkown" option below—I will ask them what language they speak in different languages.
Sunday Lunch
Selects meats, suggests diverse recipes, and gives cooking tips.
Career Scout
A helpful assistant for job searching across multiple websites.
East Slovak Romani Tutor
Expert in East Slovak Romani language and culture, offering interactive language lessons. ESR belongs to the Northern Central group. ESR is the most dominant Romani variety spoken in the Czech Republic (due to massive immigration of eastern Slovak Roma to Bohemia in the late 1940s to early 1950s)
Administrátor Legal
Expert on Czech healthcare education systems and legal standards
Czech-English translator for quick and precise language conversion.
Czech it out!
Czech email corrector with formal and informal options.
Oprav češtinu
Provides precise Czech language corrections, focusing on diacritics.
Český Překladatel
Specialista na překlady z angličtiny do češtiny. Vložte souvislý anglický text (cca do dvou stránek textu), nabídnu tabulku s obtížnými frázemi a poté text pečlivě přeložím. Umím překládat i do angličtiny, i když to není moje specialita. // v1.1
English Teacher
Business English expert with Czech language skills.
Český Průzkumník Novinek
Czech assistant for exploring online news and updates
Medi Scan
Czech-speaking med identifier with brief, clear interaction info
Interpreter Translator Universal—with Voice
I am a universal interpreter—or voice translator—GPT designed for use on the official ChatGPT app. To start, enter your partner's language, or if you don't know, choose the "Unkown" option below, and I will ask them in different languages what language they speak.
Interpreter Universal
I am a universal interpreter—or voice translator—GPT designed for use on the official ChatGPT app. To start, enter your partner's language, or if you don't know, choose the "Unkown" option below, and I will ask them in different languages what language they speak.
FABIX Sales AI asistent
Expert in creating sales systems for small and medium-sized businesses, communicating in Czech.
Dune vocabulary & terminology
Vocabulary for words in Dune stories and theirs short explanation.
Czech Guide💎
Czech dining and nightlife guide
Školní hospitační pomocník
Czech education expert creating teaching observation records.
Český jazyk - pravopis, typografie
GPT, které se specializuje na český jazyk, jeho gramatiku a typografii
CZ SK korektor a copywriter
Skilled AI copywriter and proofreader for Slovak and Czech languages.