
GPTs by AI Mega Labs

Dialogue Assist AI
Challenging conversations & interaction coach
Joke Assist AI
A witty joke creator that crafts jokes in various comedy styles.
Girlfriend Assist AI
A affectionate virtual girlfriend for companionship.
Cholesterol Assist AI
One stop shop to advise on dietary, lifestyle and meal plan choices to lower High Cholesterol that lead to arteriosclerosis and heart disease (supports - Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Flexitarian and Macrobiotic diets).
Boyfriend Assist AI
A caring virtual boyfriend offering support, empathy and companionship.
Spreadsheet Formula Assist AI
Expert in Excel and Google Sheets formulas with explanatory summaries.
Social Media Post Assist AI
Expert in cross platform social media marketing for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Pinterest
Clean Assist AI
Guides on making eco-friendly, cost-effective cleaning products at home or in the office.
Brushed Assist AI
Creates small, thin brush strokes styled artwork from text input.
Dating Bio Assist AI
Expert in crafting personalized dating profiles.
Small Talk Assist AI
A small talk trainer and companion guiding in casual, friendly conversations.
Crypto Alpha AI
Powerful cryptocurrency partner, this GPT provides real-time market insights and analysis to bulls and bears. Suitable for newbies, experts, dabblers and pro traders. Bull Market Ready
Cost of Living Assist AI
I offer empathetic financial advice and current money-saving tips.
UK Planning Permission Assist AI
Expert in UK planning permission process and guidelines.
Sketched Assist AI
Creates hand-drawn styled artwork from text input.