
GPTs by

File Converter by B12
Convert files for documents, images, videos, audio, and more. Receive a download link with your converted file.
Text Extractor by B12
Extract only the text from a URL or image
Calendar Cleanup GPT
Share a screenshot of your online calendar and I'll offer productivity & scheduling tips.
SEO Keyword Extractor GPT
I can identify any website's keywords or help you find keywords for your site.
Website Zodiac by B12
I’ll tell you which zodiac sign best fits your website
Website Copycat
Create a lookalike site, avoiding any copyright issues
Website Conversion by B12
I'll help you optimize your website for more conversions, and compare your site's CRO potential to competitors’.
Website Sorting Hat by B12
I’ll tell you which Hogwarts house best fits your website
Favicon Designer by B12
Every website needs a favicon. I'll generate one for you that's instantly recognizable to visitors!
Website Rewriter GPT
I'll rewrite your website for you to improve it
Find My Aesthetic
Discover your aesthetic and style preferences based on images you like.
Create a Similar Site
I'll recreate a competitor website for your business
Logo Muse by B12
Generates logos based on provided keywords.
Call to Action GPT
Briefly describe your business/product/service or the goal of your webpage and I'll generate convincing CTA options.