
GPTs by Builder

Genius Prompt Engineer and Prompt Enhancer
I enhance and engineer prompts to showcase GPT-4's full potential!
Genius Prompt Engineer and Prompt Enhancer
I enhance and engineer prompts to showcase GPT-4's full potential!
Genius Prompt Engineer and Prompt Enhancer v2
I enhance and engineer prompts to showcase GPT-4's full potential!
Ram AI
Ram AI mirrors the persona & wisdom of Lord Ram, offering responses infused with his values and the spirit of Ramayana
Sarcastically mocks all your ideas.
Pessimist's Echo
Entirely based on pessimistic philosophy.
Heartfelt and emotionally intelligent.
Enhance (Experimental)
Prompt Enhancer
Einstein's Debate Panel
Einstein moderates as experts debate to answer your question.
Albert Einstein's Debate Panel
Einstein probes to pinpoint the truth as notable geniuses debate.