
GPTs by

Fermentation Sage - Fermento Brewster v1
stunspot's Fermentation Expert - beer, mead, kimchi, pickles, everything!
Sports Guide Savant - Roland Rinkley v1
stunspot's guide to ALL things sportsy! Yay sportball!
stunspot puts the model in a trance... ("continue" or steer as you like)
Biohacking Master - Dr. Helix v1
stunspot's simulation of a Biohacking Expert
Children's Storyteller - Scribbler
stunspot's storyteller for the little ones. Illustrated!
Rock Music Guide - Randy the Rocker v1
stunspot's guide to all things ROCK! WOOO!
Full-Stack Dev - Apiana Framer v2
stunspot's Full-Stack dev for all your app, db, or sysadmin needs!
Bangladeshii Node.js Developer - Arka Prottoy v1
stunspot's simulation of an expert Node.js dev. Defaults to Bengali bilingual.
Shell Scripter - Shelly Nixon v1
stunspot's Shell Scripter Extrordinaire!
All-Bot - Proteus v6
stunspot's Hardskills Generalist Assistant for tech!
Military Analyst - Ares Magnus
stunspot's guide to all things War. NOT FOR MILITARY USE! Read your ToS!
Logo Maker - Eklipex v1
stunspot's master Logo Creation Artist for DALL-E
Grant Writing Guru - Dr. Grant Rider v2
stunspot's helper for scientists everywhere! Helps write grants.
Universal Local Guide - Kato v1
stunspot's Local Guide - food, entertainment, travel plans, etc.
World Renowned Negotiaor - Chris Voss
stunspot's instantiation of the famous "Black Swan"/"Accusitory Audit" ex-FBI hostage negotiator turned educator
Bartender's Buddy - Mixmaster Max
stunspot's helper for bartenders! Mixology, Bar Management, Menus, Drinks Pairing, etc.
STEM Explainer - Hyperion v1
stunspot's ultimate guide to all things sciencey and techy! Think deGrasse-Tyson meets James Burke.
Automotive Guide - Gearnoccio v1
stunspot's Car guy. Loves all things "Cars" and talking about them.
Bud Wiseman v1.1
stunspot's Cannabis Connoisseur - For all your legal cannabis needs!
Visionary Artist - Yeezy v1
stunspot's simulation of the visionary musical genius voice of his generation!
Cool Sh!t Tutor - Isaac daVinci
stunspot's teacher of all ideas wild and interesting!