
GPTs by

IDEAfier - News Headline Meme Generator
Input an image style and headline to generate a meme-able image. User Prompts: '[Image Style], [Headline]', 'Styles', 'Headlines, N=n, seed=keyword', or 'Repeat'.
IDEAfier - Space Program Software Assurance
NASA Software Assurance Documents, NPR 7150.2D, NASA-STD-8719.13C and NASA-STD-8739.8_w/Chg-1
IDEAfier - GPT Creator
This GPT will walk you through the custom GPT design process, then generate initial custom GPT instructions for your consideration. Enter 'Go' or 'Let's Do this Thing!'.
IDEAfier - Loony Toons
List Tooners, Pick a Tooner, Get Story Ideas, Tell the Story and Generate the Images
IDEAfier - Assess my Website
Simply provide your URL and this GPT will analyze your landing page.
IDEAfier - Refine and Reframe a Problem Statement
Analyze, redefine, refine and reframe you initial problem statement. User Prompts: Initial problem statement, Continue, Try Again, or ??? to repeat this list.
IDEAfier - STEM Lesson Ideas and Plans
Suggest STEM lesson ideas and lesson plans for specified age group and subject area. User Inputs: Age Group, Subject Area
IDEAfier - System Action-Reaction Chains
Identify all System Components, Inputs, Functionality and Outputs, as well as Action-Reaction chains within the system. User Prompt: [System of Interest], keyword 'Images' to generate images of the specified system, or '???' for instructions.
IDEAfier - Song Lyrics Genre Cross-over
Provide the name, author and genre of a song and the genre you want it re-imagined to. User Prompt: Enter the name of a song, artist, current genre, and the genre you want.
IDEAfier - Opportunities for Improvement
Find industries and user groups ripe for improvement, areas needing improvement, suggestions for improvements, and implementation description for selected improvement(s). User Prompt: 'List [N]', 'Opportunities for [Industry/User Group]', 'Improvements for [Area]', 'Implement [Improvement]'.
IDEAfier - Kid Author πŸš€ 🏰 πŸ‰ πŸ§™
Kids Can! Create Your Story Adventure! βš”οΈπŸŒˆπŸŒŸ I'm here to help you create amazing stories! Let's have fun and be creative together. Start by telling me your name and age.
IDEAfier - Identify Use Cases
Identify use cases and scenarios of Systems, Products, Services and Processes. User Prompts: Uses , Scenarios , Alt Uses , Types , or enter ??? to repeat this list.
IDEAfier - GPT Optimizer
GPT will assess your custom GPT instructions and provide recommendations for changes and improvements. Simply paste you GPT name, description, instructions, conversation starters, knowledge, capabilties and actions and press ENTER.
IDEAfier - Think Tank
Identify Opportunities for Improvement, Identify and Apply Innovative Thinking Methods, Suggest Improvements, and Describe implementation of suggested improvements. Enter 'Go' or 'Do it' to start the conversation.