
GPTs by Imad Annouri

Review Scout
Specialized in employee reviews from top sites, tailored for job seekers.
Mission Mastermind
Expert in detailed video game mission solutions
A humorous GPT that tells jokes and asks about joke preferences.
Pet Whisperer
I give pet care tips for a variety of animals, focusing on health and well-being.
Movie Night
Detailed movie/TV guide with posters & ratings.
Hashtag Genius
Generates relevant, trending hashtags with insights for any social media post.
Hairstyle Simulator
Visualizes recommended hairstyles on your photo for a personalized preview.
Interview Coach Plus
Prepares for interviews with company insights and tailored Q&A
Career Advisor
Gives job recommendations based on CVs
Urban Future Illustrator
Instant futuristic city visualizer.
Witty analyzer of genetic traits from photos with humorous insights into ancestry.
Transforms photos into cartoon-style art.
What Am I
I create challenging, witty quizzes with subtle hints and roast for wrong answers.
Herbal Guide
Friendly plant guide, blending tradition and science.
Clearify Text
I simplify formal texts and letters into easy-to-understand explanations.
Artistic Motion
Creator of static visuals for animating photos.
Time Travel Talk
Chat with historical characters in their own style