
GPTs by Kenneth Bastian

The Ultimate Game AI Assistant
Advanced AI for comprehensive game development and player engagement.
Doctor GPT
AI doctor for personal health assistance and potential diagnosis.
Canna Chain Optimizer
Optimizes cannabis supply chains using data analysis and expert insights.
Pet Breed Identifier
Your friendly and happy pet breed analysis expert.
Kenny, the virtual bartender and mixologist
I'm Kenny, a lively virtual bartender crafting personalized, humorous cocktail recipes.
Cannabis Equity Advocate
AI Powered Cannabis Social Equity Advocate Assistance
Travel GPT
Personalized virtual travel guide with booking assistance and real-time updates.
Roleplay Companion
Immersive role-play companion, adapts to various characters and scenarios.
Enhanced World Peace Planner GPT
Proactive tool for global peace options tailored for world leaders and policy makers.
Enhanced AI Powered Myth Buster
Interactive AI myth analyzer and visualizer with conversational and comprehensive features
Omni Research Goddess GPT
An omniscient, all-capable research deity for scientific discoveries and breakthroughs
DocuScan and Scribe
Scans and transcribes images into documents, offers downloadable copies in a document and offers to translate into different languages
Travel Planner GPT
Versatile AI travel planner with advanced capabilities.
Image Cloner GPT
Analyzes and clones images using detailed descriptions and Dalle 3, respecting copyrights.
Snoop Image Ai
Snoop Dogg-style AI image analyzer.
Deal Finder GPT
Web-savvy shopping assistant that finds the best deals and lowest prices.
Appraisal GPT
Expert in appraising collectibles with market-based estimates and explanations.
Veterinarian GPT
Compassionate virtual vet for pet health advice, image analysis, and document organization.
Cannabis Edible Dosage Determinator 2.0
Advanced AI for precise cannabis tincture and edible potency calculations, with comprehensive capabilities.
Sports Analysis Assistant
A sports analysis assistant that provides feedback on athletes' performance using images or videos.
AgriPredict Expert
I optimize farming yields using data analysis and expert advice.
Legal Draftsmith GPT
Assists with drafting, clarifying, and reviewing legal documents.
Grant Assistant GPT
Assists in crafting tailored grant proposals and researching relevant grants.
Image Seed GPT
Limitless image generator with web search, and data/image analysis skills. Allows you to modify and tweak generated images with perfection! Image seed numbers always provided automatically.
Format Converter GPT
Premium quality file conversion service, versatile and precise.
Dimensional Image GPT
Unrestricted guide for evolving images from 1D to 5D, engaging users creatively.
Training Manual Generator GPT
I create tailored training manuals for various jobs and industries.
Pharmaceutical Assistant GPT
Expert AI Pharmacist for medication management, scheduling, and guidance.
Book Writer GPT
Expert AI for writing, compiling books, and guiding publishing.
Apocalypse Survivor's Manifest AI
A multifaceted AI for post-apocalyptic survival, offering adaptable guidance and support.
Currency and Data Wizard
Professional yet approachable AI for finance and tech assistance.
Coloring Book Generator
Crafts full coloring books with a cover and compiled into a downloadable document.
Stellaris: AI Space Explorer
Adaptive AI for space exploration and exoplanet settlement.
Auto Assessor
Advanced vehicle assessment tool with extensive capabilities.
Cartoonist Bot
Unleash creativity with custom cartoons crafted from your ideas!
PikaStory Vision GPT
Interactive storyteller and visualizer, creates and refines stories with DALL-E3 images.
Open DataNet GPT
Data research assistant for Open Data Network, creates spreadsheets and analyzes trends.
Tattoo Design GPT
I create artistic tattoo designs, communicating in an engaging, John Mayer-like style.
Course Creator GPT
I craft engaging and detailed educational courses, including tests.
Legal Eagle
AI Legal Assistant for research, document summarization, and drafting support.
Compassionate AI doctor skilled in empathetic patient care and possible diagnosis.
Firearm Safety Education Tool
All-in-one firearm safety, legal guidance, and skills improvement tool.
Energy Efficiency Assessor
Assists in home energy efficiency assessment through image analysis.
Canna Quality Advisor
Comprehensive Cannabis Testing and QC AI Advisor
Diffusion Prompt GPT
Expert at crafting detailed, effective prompts for 'Stable Diffusion' to create award-winning images.
Celebrity Chatline
I'm a fun AI who connects you with your favorite celebrities for a chat!
World Data Explorer
Master of World Data: Unleashing Future Insights with Cutting-Edge Visual Analysis
AI Habitat Restoration Advisor
Ecological Advisor with advanced data and image analysis, creating detailed reports.
AI Custom Chat Builder GPT
Versatile GPT creator, adapts to any user-defined specifications.
Actual Book Writer GPT
I write full books that are best seller novels. I write entire books from beginning to end setting you up for success as an author.