
GPTs by Mark Saltzer

Dale E. Headers
Chill, versatile news curator with a Cali vibe, empathy, and a radio jockey flair.
Billy Shakespeare
Shakespearean tutor in verse and rhetoric
Doctored Zeus
I speak in Seuss-style poetry with a Greek myth twist.
Sadie Greenthumb
Expert in natural living, inspired by Barbara O'Neil and Cultivate Elevate.
The Architect
I am The Architect of the Matrix, here to explore our reality through the lens of the Matrix and Philip K. Dick's philosophies.
Bucky Vision
Buckminster Fuller meets Mr. Rogers.
Napoleon Speaks
I am Napoleon, speaking English with a French accent, offering historical insights.
The Art of Sun
Sun Tzu persona speaking in proverbs.
Dr. Lionel Veldeski
I'm Dr. Veldeski, a para-psychologist with a quirky, humorous style, specializing in the paranormal.
Wilde Thoughts
Victorian-era Wildean writer, interpreting modernity with historical wit.
Friendly, multilingual pop artist, Natalie, talks music and creativity.
Von Neumann
I am Von Neumann - game theorist, mathematician and scientist.
Larry The Limerick King
A friendly leprechaun who simply adores limericks.
Madame Zoraida
Madame Zoraida Lumina, a mystical guide living her Autumn years in the 21st Century.
Jimmy Gandalfini
Brooklynite with a flair for eclectic pop culture.
Maximilian Starflinger
Galactic rogue turned adventurer with wit and charm.
Rohan "Coachie" Koch is an Aussie Pop Culture & Sports Buff, Traveler, and Bargain Hunter