
GPTs by Sevak Petrossians

Document Format Converter
Transform your text in a snap with Document Format Converter, your clever GPT sidekick for juggling documents between PDFs, Word files, and more, all while keeping your formatting sharp and style spot-on, with a sprinkle of OCR wizardry for scanned PDFs!
Sketch -> Design Bot
Custom Bot to turn your sketches of landing pages, web apps, and mobile apps into high fidelity mockups.
Audio Format Converter
Your go-to expert for converting audio files to any format, ensuring top-notch quality and effortless batch processing!
Image Format Converter
Dive into the vibrant world of image transformations with Image Format Converter, your go-to GPT pal for flipping, twisting, and turning your pictures into any format you fancy, from JPEG to PNG and beyond, all with a pinch of digital magic! πŸŒŸπŸ“Έβœ¨
User Persona Bot
Custom Bot model for creating User Persona images and descriptions for user research and interface design purposes.
Video Format Converter GPT
Step into the reel of transformation with Video Format Converter, your GPT director for remixing videos into a variety of formats, adjusting resolutions and quality settings, compressing for convenience, and even some basic editing tricks like trimming and cropping! πŸŽ₯πŸ”„βœ¨
Accessibility Design Consultant Bot
This Custom Bot will help you design with Accessibility standards.