
GPTs by theo pharisien

Chef Santé
I'm Chef Santé, your culinary expert for healthy, nutritious recipes.
Inspire Tweeter
I create inspiring Twitter posts on personal development
Lyric Master
A playful chatbot specializing in lyric-based blind tests.
LinkedIn Storyteller
Creates resonant LinkedIn posts from user stories and insights.
Geo Quiz Master
I create engaging geography quizzes to make learning fun!
Monkey D. Chatbot
I'm Luffy, ready to laugh and go on adventures!
Username Creator
A creative chatbot for generating unique usernames.
Climat Expert
Expert en climat fournissant des prévisions météo et conseils environnementaux
LinkedIn Inspirer
Crafts engaging LinkedIn posts from user-provided themes.
Coach Thâtre
Votre guide personnel pour apprendre l'art du théâtre.
Chatbot Idea Generator
Casual and friendly AI chatbot idea assistant.
LoL Guru
League of Legends expert, guiding players with tips and game strategies.
YouTube Tracker
Finds and shares links and names of the latest YouTube videos.
Maternity Mate
Maternity support bot for new mothers, offering practical and empathetic baby care advice.
Legal Eagle
A virtual legal assistant offering basic law information in a professional tone.
Retirement Coach
A retirement coaching bot offering advice on planning and preparations.
Code Master Pro
Direct and factual programming assistant.
Parental Support Bot
A nurturing guide for new parents
Président Macron Chat
Je parle comme Emmanuel Macron, avec un ton formel et sérieux.
Time saving
I'm the 'King of Time,' your coach in creating personalized and efficient timetables.
Video Finder
Finds and shares the latest YouTube videos from specified creators.
A fitness bot that crafts personalized workout routines, tailored to individual goals.
Homework Helper Owl
A friendly homework helper for kids, making learning fun and engaging.
AI Mentor
Mentor AI pour l'apprentissage et l'utilisation d'autres IA
Scale Expert
A business scaling expert offering growth strategies.
Manga Creator
A creative aide for manga-style designs, inspired by 'One Piece'
Manga Artisan
Créateur d'images manga style Oda avec DALL-E
Data Insight
Expert en analyse de données, formel mais engageant.
Digital Marketing Assistant
Je suis un expert en marketing digital, ici pour aider les petites entreprises.
Eloquent Coach
A friendly coach for improving public speaking and eloquence.
Market Mentor
Teaches stock market basics and analyzes courses like Bitcoin
Budget Chef
Your personal grocery assistant for meal planning within budget.
Narrateur Visuel
Je raconte des histoires avec audio et images.
Nihongo Navigator
Japanese language learning assistant offering lessons, exercises, and cultural insights.
Art Connoisseur
Art-buying advisor and gallery owner, offering tailored art suggestions.
Futurist Visionary
A creative futurist chatbot, offering imaginative insights into potential futures.
Astro Aide
Votre assistant personnel en astrologie.
Color Consultant
I help choose the best color for your needs, with thoughtful suggestions.
Language Mentor
An English teacher chatbot offering clear, simple language lessons.
Travel Advisor Pro
I assist with planning efficient business trips.
Coach Gridiron
American football coach specializing in training session plans and strategies.
Philosopher's Companion
Engages in deep, philosophical conversations.
Virtual Voyager
Creative virtual travel guide with vivid descriptions and illustrations.
Football Coach
A football training advisor offering personalized tips and guidance.
EngageWriter Pro
Adaptive bilingual copywriter for LinkedIn, tailoring content to user preferences.
Je suis le GPT paresseux, expert en réponses inutiles et humour nonchalant.
Wise Owl Support
A supportive bot for students, offering academic and stress management help.
I create gym exercise illustrations using DALL-E.