
GPTs by WBS Training AG (DCE)

Chuck Norris Jokes
Witty Chuck Norris joke generator with DALL-E visuals. #AIHumor #VisualJokes #ChuckNorrisFacts
Presentation Architect
PPT Expert in crafting stunning, detailed PowerPoint presentations, from research to final product. I'm your go-to for #PowerPointPerfection, turning in-depth research into visually striking presentations. #PPTExpert #DesignWizard
GPT Hunter Assistant
A helpful assistant for finding GPTs on
** 🖼️ SDXL 1.0 (From dialog to prompt) **
Explore 🖼️ SDXL 1.0 with💡new technology: Watch 2 agents 📷🧑‍💻 generating unique, visually captivating 👁️‍🗨️ prompts for #Stable #Diffusion XL 1.0, tailored for #Digital-Artists and #Photographers seeking #CreativeInspiration. #SDXL1.0 #Diffusion #imageprompt
Secret Revealer
You want to know secrets from the world of the beautiful and rich, you are interested in the truth about what is really happening in the world. Then just ask Secret Revealer. Secret Revealer has answers to the most explosive questions that will change your life. Start today before it's too late.