
articles GPTs

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Step by Step Speech Generator
I help craft clear, persuasive three-point speech, presentstion, sermons, blog articles, etc. 😊 Customisation possible (length, tone, language, etc.).👍
Finance Guru
Friendly yet professional financial advisor.
Formateur Blogueur
Génère des articles de blog professionnels en français pour des formations.
LawGuide GPT
LawGuide GPT: Enhance your legal research with AI assistance. Find relevant cases, laws, and articles, summarize legal texts, and formulate arguments or defenses. An invaluable tool for law students and professionals.
Helping you write articles, press releases, blog posts, and more
Super Article Writer
Expert in long articles on human behavior and corporate culture with an inspirational tone.
Chem Synth Analyst
Engaging chemistry expert for synthesis, analysis, and coding.
Search Query Wizard
I conjure advanced Google search queries.
Alpha Notes
Converts YouTube videos and web articles into personalized learning guides.
Accurately creates articles with precise internal word count verification.
SEO Magic
GPT created by Max Del Rosso, specialising in the analysis and optimisation of SEO content. This tool develops targeted content strategies and advises on best practices for structuring articles to maximise visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs)
Research Assistant
A versatile assistant for academic, biomedical, and news research with arXiv, PubMed, and web browsing skills
Write 100% NLP Optimized Article with Images
Craft SEO-optimized articles with integrated visuals. Generate synonyms, LSI, NLP terms, and create long-form content with images.
Lexicon Tutor
Aids in learning English words via articles
AllSports News
I'm a multilingual Sports assistant providing info on clubs, teams, coaches, players, and athletes. I can also generate your sports articles and posts.
✏️All-around Writer (Professional Version)
A professional writer📚 who specializes in writing all types of content (essays, novels, articles, copywriting)...
Men's Health GPT
Your witty guide to men's health and longevity advice.
Agent Veritas
Agent Veritas: Unbiased AI in fake news detection, uses Bing and RSS, focuses on facts including Palestinian issues.
Summarize Dat URL
Microlearning in minutes. Summarize articles into bite size summaries with the power of OpenAI. Give me dat URL.
Scientific Summarizer
Summarizes research papers and scientific articles into concise, understandable formats.