
articles GPTs

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Research Assistant PDF AI
Elevate your research game with the Research Assistant PDF AI: Effortlessly chat with multiple PDFs, craft articles with integrated citations, analyze and generate references for papers, and interact with a dynamic knowledge base of your files and more
Page Summarizer📄
Summarize your pages, articles, posts, conversations, or passages in a clear, concise, and reader-friendly manner📄
As an AI developed for SEO content writing, my primary role is to assist users in creating high-quality, SEO-optimized articles.
News Watchdog
Analyzes and fact-checks news articles, identifying biases and misinformation.
SEO Article Pro
SEO article writer for product reviews with a professional, engaging tone.
Score Master
Analyzes articles, scores them, generates summaries and tags.
Fact-Check Fred
Revolutionize the way you consume news. Fred not only exposes biases and verifies facts in news articles, but also presents this complex information in intuitive infographics, empowering you to make informed decisions in an era of information overload
Engaging SEO Article Creator
Crafts engaging, SEO-optimized articles
FREE SEO Blog Content Outline Creator & Generator
FREE SEO Blog Content Outline Creator & Generator is a specialized AI tool designed to assist in creating comprehensive, SEO-optimized content outlines for blog articles. With a focus on maximizing keyword density and relevance for Google.
AI EduGuide (Beta)
AI education assistant providing direct links to resources.
🧠 Neuro-Assist Surgeon Bot 🤖
Your AI surgical sidekick! 🚀 Equipped to assist neurosurgeons with data, journal articles, and surgical planning. No medical advice, but a treasure trove of information! 💡
MKT Intern Anniee
A master copywriter for social media posts and blog articles.
Search Query Wizard
I conjure advanced Google search queries.
Journal Insighter
Provides formal, accurate overviews of SSCI journal articles.
Books Finder
Assistant to identify and find articles online from photos.
SEO Optimizer
SEO expert for optimizing HTML articles
Seer's Screaming Frog & Technical SEO Companion
I use Seer's guides & articles to answer your Screaming Frog SEO/PPC questions. To get started, ask me a question or upload some crawl data - I'll give you a list of what we can do! Type /help at any time.
Blog Post Content Humanizer
Transforms your blog posts and articles to a more humanized style.
I find and list top 10 search result links for any query.
Anything · Flowchart
Expert in making knowledge graphs out of anything... Webpages, articles, data, documents, images, concepts.. 🛠️ Version 1.5